Chapter Eighteen

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  • Dedicated to Goldfish, The Snack That Smiles Back!

Author's Note:

I don't own One Piece!!! I killed a spider and took a moth hostage yesterday, so yes, I am just as badass as Mulan.

Recap: Clarity said some stuff, Zoro said some stuff, yada yada yada.


Third Person Because I, As A Writer, Was Too Dumb To Realize That Switching POVS All The Time Is Fucking Annoying When I Originally Wrote This Fanfiction
Zoro dashed onto the deck on the Going Merry. He called out to Luffy to gather the other pirates and paced back and forth. When the crew was gathered, he began to tell them all about Clarity's life and motives for trying to kill them. When he finished, they were all full of questions.

"How do you know all of this?" Nami looked skeptical at his story. Zoro shrugged and explained the whole 'two bodies' situation.

"I've heard of that before. I think it's called Luhis. When going through serious pain or a struggle, the spirit takes on a more solid form. The new body can only be seen by those who are chosen by the person, in this case, Clarity." Chopper said. Zoro nodded and looked thoughtful.

"Why did she choose Moss head over me?" Sanji complained.

"Idiot love cook." Zoro shot back. Sanji growled at him and Zoro placed a hand on his sword. Nami whacked them both on the head.

"You said she was branded by the Kira Cult? Like cattle?" Robin wasn't one to beat around the bush.


Clarity's POV

"-Like cattle?" I frowned at Robin. Zoro hadn't noticed me yet, but I had watched as my situation was explained.

"That's one way to put it." I snarled at Robin. Zoro jumped and faced me. "And you went entirely against my wish. Rude."

"How long were you there?" Zoro stood firm beneath my glare.

"Uh, Zoro? Is she here with us?" Usopp looked scared. Luffy looked around excitedly.

"Long enough. And tell Usopp not to poke my face while I'm asleep."

"Usopp, Clarity doesn't want you to poke her face while she's asleep." Zoro repeated my message to Usopp, who paled and went shaky.

"I'll be k-keeping watch for Kojad!" Usopp squeaked as he scrambled up to the crow's nest. I rolled my eyes.

"Clarity? Can you hear us, too?" Robin spoke into the empty air.

"No, I went deaf, too." I was a little on edge.

"She can hear you." Zoro sighed with exasperation. Luffy jumped up from his seat on the deck.

"Cool! Hey, Clarity, where are you right now?" Zoro pointed to wear I was standing and Luffy ran to me. He stopped with his right arm in my chest and I could hear Zoro snickering.

"Get out of me, ick, that's what she said." I attempted to shove Luffy away, but I went through him instead. Zoro laughed harder.

"Luffy, take two steps to your right." Zoro instructed, Luffy stepped out of my body, thankfully. I turned red and crossed my arms.

"Can you tell us why you were branded?" Robin questioned me. I could learn to hate this woman. I glared at her, but I nodded.

"She can." Zoro translated.

"Could you, please?" said Robin. I sighed.

"Keep up with the translations, seaweed. I'm gonna give the short version. Apparently, the Kira Cult needed young kids for medical experiments that would tamper with the effects of a Devil Fruit. I was given the Ultimate Devil Fruit, which gives me the power to steal other Devil Fruit user's powers as long we've made contact. So Master Tore was chosen to be my owner and surgeon. He wanted to make it possible for me to swim, but that backfired and now I can't even drink regular water. The brand was so everyone would know whose property I was. Got all that?" Zoro repeated my story to the pirates and they stared at him in silence. Except for Luffy, who was picking his nose.

"Oh, hey!" We all turned to stare at Luffy. "I can see and hear Clarity, too!"

"Wait so why did you pretend not to see me earlier?" I asked, shocked.

"Zoro looked like he needed to feel special. I'm hungry." Luffy said calmly. Zoro turned red with anger and Nami whacked Luffy's head.

"Idiot! This is no time for food!" Nami scolded. I was about to join her in shaming Luffy, but I was overcome by pain. I dropped to my knees.

'Oh, shit. Is this it? I'm dying'

"D-don't mind me! Just dying over here." I called.

"Chopper! I think she's dying." Zoro's eyes were wide with panic.

"Gee, what tipped you off?" I curled up on the deck of the Going Merry. I screamed as the pain intensified. "What is it about this damn ship that forces me to my knees so often!"

As soon as the words left my mouth, the pain was gone. All I felt was a smooth warmth. I closed my eyes and lied there, letting the warmth swirl around me. I was picked up by someone. I opened my eyes and saw it was Zoro. I felt so good, I didn't even hate him anymore. Don't do drugs.

"Zoro, I'm fine now. I can't feel anything now." I smiled up at him, but he just looked more concerned. "Don't be so worried. I feel happy. It's been so long since I've been happy." We had just entered the room where my solid body was being kept.

"Don't die, okay? Damn." Zoro swore as he set me on the bed next to my solid body.

"Don't swear in front of dead people, Zoro. It isn't polite." I closed my eyes. I was dying, but I was okay with it. Zoro wasn't though.

"You are going to be fine!" He yelled. I smiled without bothering to open my eyes.

"Bet you 10,000 berries I won't be." That was the last thing I said before I drifted off. What terrible last words.


Author Note


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