Chapter Eleven

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  • Dedicated to Betty Crocker

Author's Note:

I don't own One Piece!!!!! I forgot to celebrate last chapter, but hooray for double digit chapters! Woohoo!

Recap: Clarity was being all stabby, stabby stab stab.

Clarity's POV ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

"The Ultimate Devil Fruit. What's that?" Nami asked.

"Said to be the most powerful of all Devil Fruits, the person who eats the Ultimate Devil Fruit has the ability to steal other Devil Fruit user's powers. Of course, the person can longer swim, but develops a weakness for electricity as well. She is either crazy brave for eating the fruit or really stupid." Robin informed her crew.

"Oh, so it's a mystery fruit, then?" Luffy concluded.

"No, she-- You know what, yeah. It's a mystery fruit." Zoro sighed. I attempted to glare at all of them, but I still couldn't move.

'How dare they talk about me as if I'm not here!' A little voice from the back of my mind answered me. 'Because for all they know, you're dead, right now.' I frowned inwardly because apparently I have conversations with myself now.

"What should we do with her?" Usopp said.

"We should find out if she's dead, first. if she's alive, we should drop her off at the next island we come across." Zoro planned as if I was cargo.

"What if she's not dead?" Luffy brought up. I was confused by how uncertain they were of my vitality. Don't they know you can't kill of a main character?

"Throw her body in the sea?" Zoro suggested. At this comment, I gagged and succeeded in actually making a noise. Luffy poked my face again and I made a noise between a growl and a hiccup,

"I don't think she's dead." Luffy declared.

"So we drop her off at the next island, then? Where is that anyway?" asked Chopper. Nami looked at her Log Pose and scrunched up her face in thought.

"Ah, Nami-san is even beautiful when she's thinking hard~!" A lovesick Sanji sang. Zoro and I both snorted and he glared down at me. It took a little while, but I narrowed my eyes at him, too. I think.

"Maybe she knows." Usopp poked my side with his foot then ran and hide behind Sanji when I glared at him murderously. Nami crounched down as close to me as she could without actually getting near me. I opened my mouth and finally spoke outloud,

"Yo nao, I cannit actawe alk ery wewll thish ideeio eehin arawised me. uhde aplse!" Nami looked confused,


"She said: You know, I can't actually talk very well because this idiot freaking paralyzed me. Bloody bastard!" Luffy translated in a squeaky voice.

"I oo ot alk ik hat!" I protested. My tongue was heavy and icky in my mouth.

"I do not talk like that!" Luffy laughed.

"Which on of us was the bastard?' Usopp asked, still hiding behind Sanji.

"Orwo." I glared at him.

"Zoro." He glared mockingly at him, too.

"I wiwll fit you agan."

"I will fight you again." Luffy personated me again. Nami still looked confused,

"How can you understand her?"

"I talk with my mouth full a lot and it's kinda like the same thing, I guess." Luffy suggested.

"Can you translate, while I ask her questions?" Nami asked Luffy. He nodded and she turned back to me. "What's your real name?"

"Arabee." (Translation: Clarity)

"Why'd you try to kill us?"

"ich ime?" (Translation: Which time?)

"Both." My ability to speak was beginning to come back and I could now half way talk. Sort of.

"irst ime ause aster old me to cond ime ause I eally nt to ill oro." (Translation: First time because Master told me to, second time because I really want to kill Zoro.) Zoro narrowed his eyes at me.

"Who's Master?" my tongue was pretty warmed up and I could talk without Luffy translating.

"Long story or short?"

"Long." I went on to explain pretty much everything that had happened since ten years ago. (if you want the full explanation, go to Chapter One and read everything over again.)

".....and now I'm on this boat. Can someone sit me up? I'm still too weak to do it myself." Sanji rushed over and leaned me against the railing.

"Anything for you, Clarity-chawn!" I smiled at him uncomfortably and he noodle danced away. I literally tried to kill his captain like two chapters ago.

"So, you got kidnapped , you were forced to slave away for ten years, and it's Zoro's fault?" Nami concluded.

"Pretty much. Bloody bastard." He didn't even look at me. I glared at him anyway. "Speaking of Zoro being an idiot, I'm hungry." Sanji got hearts for eyes and ran towards the kitchen.

"Yes, Clarity, Darling~!"

"How are those two things related?" Chopper asked.

"I dunno. Let's eat anyway..."

"Yeah! Meat!" He rushed off after Sanji.

'Man, finally! It's been forever since I last ate!' I could smell the food cooking. 'Ahh, I smell meat.'


Author's Note:

Fourth wall, smourth wall.

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