Chapter Seven

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  • Dedicated to Spencer Nace

Author's Note:
I don't own One Piece! (In case you forgot from the last time I told you)

Recap: Stuff happened, etc, etc, etc...

Clarity's POV ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

I heard muffled voices. I tried to hear what they were saying, but I only heard parts of the conversation.

"---What are we----"

"May Rin or Clar----"

"Sanji, I want------"

"Not no----"

"---tried to kill us!" I sat up groggily. I was still the the little girl's body. I was about to lie down again when I finally realized where I was, or rather where I wasn't. I certainly was not in my cot, nor my room, not even Master Tore's lair. I was on the pirate ship again! In an instant I was on my feet, I quickly walked up to the slightly ajar door and looked through. The pirates were arguing quietly near the railing.

'I need to hear what they're saying! Should I transform? There's nobody around.' Before I could talk myself out of it, I transformed into an old man who ate the Listen-Listen Fruit. The voices were now as clear as day, but my timing sucked.

"So, it's decided then?"

"I guess so."

"Chopper, has she awoken yet?"

"No, but I expect her to do so at any moment..."

"Wait, is she being watched?"

"N-no, you called us out here and she was still sleeping, so..." They all glared at Chopper. Zoro's head snapped up and he stared at the door i was watching through. I jumped backwards and transformed back into the little girl. I leaped into bed and acted like I was still sleeping.
They all burst through the door with such a crash that I doubt anyone could sleep through that. I pretended like I was just waking up for the first time and stared at the pirates, who were still dog piled in the middle of the room. I couldn't help, myself I started to giggle. Zoro glared at me with such intensity that I shut up as quickly as I could. I sat up as the pirates untangled themselves from each other. When they were all standing again I asked,

"Why am I here?" Nami opened her mouth, but Luffy answered first.

"Just because. You looked scared when you walked up those stairs back in the church." I looked down at my hands.

"It's hard not to be around Mas--"I decided mid-sentence that I wouldn't reveal anymore about myself until I learned what Master had already told them." --I mean, that man."

'Wait, speaking of Master, what happened to him? Why are these pirates still alive?'

"What the ghost guy? He was easy." Luffy bragged.

"You mean you defeated him?!?" I hoped the answer was yes.

"Yep." I couldn't contain the smile that overtook my face and the tears of joy the filled my eyes. I didn't even try to contain the little jig I did.

"I can choose what to do with my life!" I shouted at the world. It was the only sentence I could think of that didnt give away too much. I fell back onto the bed with a contented sigh.

"Uh...What?" That was Nami. I looked up at her with a giant smile that disappeared as soon as I realized that I had just danced. In front of pirates. I had yelled about freedom f life choices. In front of pirates.

"Um, D-did the man say anything before he was beaten?" I asked. It was Zoro who answered this time.

"Yeah, he said to make sure you didn't leave the island and if you "misbehaved", to press the button on this remote." He held up the remote that had controlled my life for the past ten years. My eyes flashed with greed (I think, but I can't see my own eyes) as I lunged for the remote.

"Give it here!" Zoro took a step back in surprise, dropping the remote. I grabbed it as if it were the cure to save my life. I grinned crazily at it as I thought to myself, 'In a way, it is...'

Author's Note:
Anyone else think of Golem from Lord Of The Rings in that last part?

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