Chapter Twenty Four

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Author's Note:

I don't own One Piece, if I did I wouldn't be living in the coldest place on earth.

Recap: Zoro and Clarity kissed! (Alert the media) Oh, also she's not dead.



Daniella and I had been staying on the Going Merry for over a week and Zoro and I had managed to avoid each other. I don't know what I was thinking when I kissed him, I guess it was exciting not being dead anymore. I shook my head as I walked down the stairs to the main deck. Luffy and Usopp were sitting on the ledge with fishing poles in the water.

" Catch anything?" I asked as I joined them on the railing. Luffy looked at me and pouted.

"No, all the fish swam away!" Luffy told me. I patted him on the head encouragingly and smiled at Usopp, who was watching me with a grin. A sudden tug on Usopp's pole made both boys' faces light up. Usopp pulled on his pole with all his might, but the fish on the other end was putting up a fight. Luffy put down his own fishing pole and helped Usopp. They both pulled the wooden rod, but to no use. It snapped in the middle and the fish swam away. I smiled as the two got angry and began yelling at the poor fish. I turned away from them, planning to grab something from Sanji.

"Clar-Bear!" I grimanced at the nickname. Daniella hooked her arm through mine and continued, "Were you going to the kitchen as well?"

"Yeah, I am kinda hungr--" I tried to respond, but she cut me off.

"Great! Let's go!" Daniella shoved me into the brightly lit kitchen. I stumbled, but caught myself before I fell. The door slammed behind me. I turned and tried to let myself out, but the door resisted.

"Sorry, Clar-Bear! The sexual tension between you two is killing me!" Daniella's muffled voice came through the door. I turned to face the table that was centered in the middle of the room. Zoro was sitting there, frozen. A bottle of sake was risen halfway to his lips.

"Oh. Hello." I greeted him awkwardly. He took a drink of his sake and swallowed it quickly. For a minute he looked as if he might say something, but instead he just nodded his head at me. I cleared my thoart and quickly walked to over to the pantry. I opened it and scanned it for anything good. A red apple caught my eye and I grabbed it. I sat my self down opposite of Zoro and bite into my apple. Almost instantly after the apple entered my mouth, I was overwhelmed with spice. I spit the apple out onto the floor and let out a yell that would give Tarzan a run for his money. I lunged over the wooden bench and rushed to the sink. I twisted the cold handle, but nothing flowed out. Shit, I had forgotten about the clog. I looked around frantically and located Zoro's bottle of sake. I bounded over to him and ripped the sake out of his hand.

"What the hell?" He exclaimed. I ignored him and chugged the entire thing down. I'm so going to kill whoever put cayenne pepper on an apple. I gasped as I slammed the bottle onto the table. As I sat down wearily, a laugh erupted out of Zoro's throat. I glared at him.

"You did this?" I asked him.

"No, but Sanji's gonna be in a hell of a lot of trouble, isn't he? He was trying to keep Luffy away from the fruit." He asked with a grin.

"You have no idea." I answered simply. Silence filled up the room.

"Look, I--"

About what--" We both spoke at the same time. I sighed.

"You first." I said. He took a deep breath and began.

"About what happened the other day, I-- well, it's just- Oh god, I'm terrible at this. What I'm trying to say is-- ah, fuck it." He cut off and pushed his lips to mine. I widened my eyes at his forwardness. I soon relaxed into the kiss and once again, I was kissing Zoro.

Author Note

Okay, I get it it's short! Sorry, sorry, just my writers block isn't quite cured. I'll try to update more regularly and write more, but for now you have this.

Don't forget to do all the Yada Yada crap (comment, fave, follow, comment again)

Hopefully you'll be reading the next chapter soon! But knowing me, probably not!

Also credit to Epic_Beanz for the amazing cover photo!

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