Chapter Nineteen

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  • Dedicated to Everyone Who Doesn't Have Ten Toes! (I'm Sorry For Your Lack of Toe)

Author's Note:

I don't own One Piece!!! I've killed a man with my own two teeth.

Recap: Plot Progression


Clarity's POV:

I couldn't feel anything anymore. I floated aimlessly. Not a care in the...where ever this place is.


Zoro's POV:

I watched as Clarity's eyes closed. It was strange seeing two of her, one solid body and one spirit. Her brown hair was spread out around her head. Or heads. Suddenly, her spirit body started to fade, as if it were about to disappear.

"Chopper!" I called out to the ship's doctor. Chopper snapped to attention from where was standing behind me.

"Hey, what's happening to Clarity? Her second body is going away!" Luffy asked. I ignored him and looked at small reindeer. Chopper set to work immediately.

"Oi! Oi! I see it! I found Kojad Island!" I heard Usopp yelling from outside.

"Chopper, should we stop at Kojad? Would it be better for Clarity? With absolutely no ulterior motives, i.e. diamonds?" Nami asked as she poked her head into the room. Chopper nodded and we both took a second to study Clarity. She looked so peaceful, as if she didn't have a care in the world.

"Zoro! Go get Robin!" I snapped to attention as Chopper ordered me to fetch him our historian. I made my way to the deck, where Robin was reading.

'How can she read when Clarity is dying?' I shook my head to clear my thoughts and shooed Robin to where Chopper was working. I went to the front of the ship and watched as the island came into view. After several minutes, I turned and sat with my back against the railing.

'Maybe a nap will do me good.' I closed my eyes and drifted off.


Luffy's POV:

Clarity had two bodies, but one of them was flickering. Robin came into the room and ushered me out.

"I wanted to see Clarity." I complained to Robin.

"Not right now, Captain. Maybe when she wakes up." Robin spoke comfortingly.

"If she wakes up..." I heard Nami grumble as she sulked by. I frowned, all this sadness wasn't going to help Clarity.


Author's Note:

I know, I know. A very short chapter, but I wanted to give you guys something to read because I know that your entire life revolves around waiting for me to update.

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