Chapter Eight

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  • Dedicated to Whoever Invented Toasters

Author's Note:

I don't own One Piece!! (Two exclamation points because I'm crazy)

Recap: It was one if those "you had to be there" things.

Clarity's POV --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Zoro stared at me like I was crazy and I didn't have to turn around to know that the others were doing the same. I didn't care, Master was dead, I had the remote to the electric system running through out my body.
I heard laughter coming from behind me. I whirled around to see Luffy giggling like a school girl.

"You're funny, you should join my crew!" I blinked at him. He was inviting me to join his crew after I lead him to a man who tried to kill him and his crew.

"Luffy!" Nami gasped in surprise.

'Should I tell them about my Devil Fruit power? Should I come clean? I had better not, but I shouldn't pass up this chance to get new Devil Fruit powers...'

"I'll t-think about it..." I stuttered.

"Okay! Sanji make me food!" Luffy yelled. Sanji frowned and started to protest when Nami spoke,

"Would you, Sanji? I'm awfully hungry..." Nami smiled and Sanji almost shouted,

"Yes, Nami-san~!" He rushed off towards the kitchen and began cooking. There was an awkward silence before Usopp poked Luffy and said,

"Tag!" Luffy chased Usopp out of the room. Zoro grumbled something unintelligible and walked after him. Robin sat in a chair across the room from the bed and began to read. Nami left without a word. Chopper began re-bandaging the cuts I got from Master. I was in a daze all the while. The entire crew, with the exception of Zoro, was being so nice to me.
This is how things went until Sanji announced it was dinner time. Luffy was at the table in an instant. Chopper finished wrapping the last bandage and joined him at the table. I went over and stood uncertainly next to the edge of the table. Luffy looked at me and said,

"What are you standing there for?"

"Do I get to eat at the table, too?" When I was living with Master, I ate on the floor whatever scraps Master tossed me. Luffy scrunched his eyebrows together and nodded. I sat in the empty seat at the end of the table. Sanji began putting dishes of food in front of everyone before he took a seat himself. I picked up the drumstick on my plate and chewed it noiselessly.

"So, Is it May Rin or Clarity?" I looked up at Zoro.

"Um, it's complicated..." I avoided his question

"We got time." Everyone else was looking at me, too. I put down the drumstick and launched into a tightly spun web of lies.

"Well, my name is actually Clarette, but my Mas-- Uncle decided I looked more like a Clarity because of his..." I decided I would pretend Master was my uncle, at least for now. I finished explaining the reason behind my change of names. I picked the meat back and continued eating.

"So why'd tell us that bogus story about the ghost and the treasure?" Nami asked. I shrugged.

"My uncle hates pirates and I knew he'd try to kill you, so I thought I'd try to scare you guys away from that hellhole'."

"Hellhole? You call your home that? Why?" asked Sanji. I nodded warily.

"My uncle hurt me a lot, so it wasn't exactly a fun home to live in."

'This is bad. If they ask too many questions, I'm bound to mess up and forget one of my lies at one point or another.' I realized then that must of been their plan all along. Make me screw up and catch me in a lie! I finished the food on my plate.

"What about--" I cut Usopp off mid-question.

"I've decided."

"Decided what?" asked Chopper.

"I'm joining your crew!" I don't think even I expected those words to come out of my mouth

"YAHOO!" Luffy yelled out. "Let's celebrate!" I shook my head.

"If you don't mind, I'd like to save the festivities until morning. Is there a place I could sleep?" Luffy looked disappointed, but didn't object. Nami answered me.

"You can sleep in Robin and my's room. Turn right outside, it's first door on your left." I thanked her and then turned to Chopper.

"Did you happen to bring the syringe on my bedside table on board?" He nodded and handed me the syringe he had kept in his bag.

"Thanks" I turned and left the room without another word. I found the room Nami and Robin slept in with ease. I slipped inside and observed the room. There were two beds and a cot. I sat down on the cot and sighed. I stuck the needle into my arm without wincing, I was used to it by now. I closed my eyes and dreamt.

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