Chapter Seventeen

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  • Dedicated to You Guys!

Author's Note:

I don't own One Piece! Usually anyways, there's probably an alternate dimension where I do.

Recap: A chapter that probably made you cry, wince, or both.

Clarity's POV---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

I shook my head to clear my thoughts and focused on the scene before me. Chopper was flipping through a thick book while the other pirates leaned into see what he was looking for. I pulled myself up from where I had sat against the wall and joined the group. I tried to pull Sanji away so that I could actually see the book, but again I couldn't make him see me. I stomped my foot in frustration and shouted,

"Why in hell am I like this?" I glared at the pirates. Zoro snapped his head up and looked around the room. He looked confused as he turned to face his crew,

"Did you guys hear that?" I gawked at him.

'Tell me he was just hearing wind.' Nami frowned at him and was prepared to reply, but Chopper exclaimed,

"Here! The Gourop Plant! It contains a lot of vital elements like--" He looked at Luffy who was picking his nose again. "Ah, never mind. Anyways, It's on the Hojad island and it should be able to save Clarity!" I stared at with with a confused look on my face

"Why are you so excited about this? I literally tried to murder all of you yesterday." I asked even though Chopper couldn't hear me. Again Zoro looked around the room and then at my solid body. I stopped questioning Chopper and studied him.

'Why can he hear me? Out of all the pirates, it's the one I want to punch in the face.' I was interrupted from my train of thoughts by Robin.

"Even though Clarity is half way dead, I wouldn't underestimate her ability. We should put someone on watch." Under ordinary circumstances I would be complimented.

"Sounds good to me. Sanji, why don't you take-" Nami paused, thought for a moment, then turned to Usopp. "Usopp, you have first watch." With that being said she and Robin walked out of the room. Sanji, who looked very deflated, left next, followed by Zoro, Chopper, and Luffy. Usopp was left, knees shaking in the middle of the room. He looked at my solid body and nervously inched over to it. Suddenly protective, I walked over to my body and sat on the edge of the bed. Usopp poked my face, then leaped back as if I was going to bite him. After repeating this process three more times, he relaxed and settled into a chair. In a few seconds, he was asleep. I frowned at him. Did he not think I was capable of killing him? I mean, at the moment, I probably couldn't, but still. I closed my eyes and tried to calm down. I had been through a lot and was ready to die from exhaustion at any moment. Poor choice of words.

I slid down to the floor and lay my head on the cool wooden floor. My eyes closed and within seconds I was in a dreamless sleep.

In the morning, Usopp had been replaced with Sanji. I got to my feet and stretched. I hadn't had that good of a nap in forever! I looked out the window and realized that it wasn't morning at all. I had slept for almost a whole day! I guess finding out you're about to die, having two bodies, and being in front of Chopper and Robin without pants on was pretty exhausting.

I stared out at the waves as they rocked the ship back and forth. I heard the door open behind me. Zoro's unmistakable voice broke my relaxed spell. I turned to look at him.

"Oi, Sanji, I'll take the next watch." Sanji stood and left the room without saying a word. Instead of sitting in the chair on the opposite wall he moved it right next to the bed. He sat and studied my left shoulder.

"It isn't that pretty to look at." I grumbled. His eyes widened and he searched the room. "You can hear me, can't you?"

"Where are you?" I thought about his question carefully. Where was I?

"I'm not exactly sure." He stood up, tensed.

"What do you mean you're not sure? Who are you?" I frowned.

'If he can hear me, can he feel it if i touch him?' I didn't answer him, but instead leaned over the bed that separated us and poked his forehead. As soon as I made contact with his skin the air around us pulsed with energy.

Memories and ideas flashed in my mind. Meeting Kuina for the first time, losing my mother, getting branded, training with Master Tore, fighting off pirates and intruders. I tried to pull my hand back from Zoro, but my body wouldn't respond. Experimenting with my Devil Fruit powers, the medical experiments, the needles, the knives, the pain. I whimpered as I remembered it all. Just as suddenly as the memories came forth, I was brought to reality. My hand was still against Zoro's head. I brought my hand to my chest. Zoro looked just as shocked as I was.

"What the hell?" He spoke slowly. "Why are you there and here?"

"I just touched your head and got electrocuted and you're worried why there are two of me?" I stared at him and he nodded. "Yeah, no, actually I get that."

"Was that you?" He asked warily. "In those weird ass vision thing?"

"You saw it, too?" I really should stop being surprised when bad things happen.

"That's what I thought." He muttered to himself more than me. He stood quickly and started towards the door. I lunged forward and grabbed his wrist.

"Wait!" He stared at where I my hand around his. I rolled my eyes and let go. "Don't tell them."

"Why not? They won't trust you if I don't tell them." He explained with logic I didn't understand.

"Do you trust me? I tried to kill you like eight times." I asked him, still not understanding why everyone was being so mushy towards me. Zoro stiffened.

"Well, I don't think you're going try to kill us anymore." He said with conviction. I broke a little inside; these pirates were going to get killed one day trying to save someone who literally has a sign on their back saying "WILL KILL ALL PIRATES."

"I swear to god, I will fight the next person who thinks I'll hesitate to kill them."

"Don't waste your energy trying to keep up that tough front, Clarity." He turned and left the room.

"That... that was actually quite accurate and I am too stunned to say something clever back, but I still think you're dumb!" I yelled at the closed door.

I sat down on the floor moodily and began counting of the different ways I wish the universe hates me.


Author's Note

Wow, after what Zoro said I see this story with new clarity. Heheheheheh...

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