Chapter Fifteen

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  • Dedicated to Monkey D. Luffy

Author's Note:

I don't own One Piece!!!! Sorry it took me so song to update, my internet was being stupid.

Recap: Honestly, just read the previous chapters!

Clarity's POV---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

I was trying to grasp the fact that I wasn't in my body, when I realized something else. To see the scars on my legs and ankles...

'They took of my pants? Ick.' I glared at Chopper even though he couldn't see me. I looked at my solid body, but the pants were on my legs. 'At least they had the decency to put them back on.' Robin suggested,

"We should check her arms and torso too, too." I flipped out at this suggestion,

"I swear to god, I am going to kill whoever put me in this situation. don't do it, Chopper!" But he couldn't hear me. They pulled off my jacket and the scar on my left shoulder was now fully exposed.

"Is that...?" Robin took a step back in surprise. Chopper just looked skittish.

"What? What? What happened?" Robin ignored him and opened the door.

"Zoro! Nami! Sanji! Luffy! Get in here! Quickly!"

'I don't know why I'm surprised it's gone this badly. At this point I feel like I should be used to it.' The other pirates ran into the room, tensed and ready for battle. Which was useless since I was dead. Maybe. They relaxed when they saw I was motionless.

"Is Clarity alright?" Zoro asked. Chopper shook his head.

"The abuse she's gotten over the years has finally done it's damage. The electrical shock she sustained pushed her over the edge."

"She's dead?" Nami asked, she didn't sound very upset which I got.

"No, she's just in a coma." Chopper explained.

'I'm not dead? I'm somewhat disappointed, but at least my luck isn't as bad as I thought...'

"So, why were we needed?" Nami wondered. Chopper looked over to Robin, who nodded.

"While examining Clarity I discovered a scar on her shoulder." I smacked my solid body.

'Thanks for getting me into this mess, asshole!'"

Robin continued as all the crew members leaned in to see my shoulder.

"Clarity has the mark of a Kira Cult member. They give this scar to all of their elite members." Luffy looked confused.

"Why a scar? Why not just get a tattoo?" Luffy asked.

"Scars are more permanent." Robin explained with a cold look on her face.

"So, first she leads to us to a man who tries to kill us, tries to kill us, and now we find out she's from a cult that most likely wants to kill us?" Zoro ticked the attempted murders off on this fingers.

'Well, he's not wrong.' I sighed and sunk against the wall. 'Why am I like this anyways? I'm here and there. I can see what's happening even though I'm in a coma. Man, this sucks.' I looked up to watch the scene developing around my solid body. If I was going to be stuck like this, might as well be entertained.


Author's Note:

Shortest Chapter Ever Award goes to... This chapter! Yeah, sorry.

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