Chapter Six

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  • Dedicated to Kjole Johnson (Sorry If I Spelled Your Name Wrong!)

Author's Note:

I don't own One Piece! Shoutout to @rukiableach; Thanks for the nice comments, they helped encourage me to write this chapter!

Recap: Yada, yada, yada......

Clarity's POV---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Zoro lifted me into his arms like it was the most casual thing in the world. I stiffened and glared at him. He looked down at me curiously. I looked away quickly, but he had seen the glare and raised an eyebrow

'As if he doesn't know what he did...Wait. He literally doesn't know.' I thought to myself,

"Stupid! Of course he doesn't! You're a child."

"What?" Zoro was looking at me funny. I had said that out loud?

"Nothing! Just thinking aloud! hehehhe...." I smiled the best innocent smile I could, but smiling made my face hurt so I stopped." Ouch..."
Zoro just grunted. The rest of the group had stopped up ahead, so Zoro jogged to catch up with them. As he stopped Master Tore's voice filled the room,

"Silly, little Clarity... You've failed me yet again! Must I do everything myself? Go up to your cot, the Syrum is on the table." The Syrum was an injection I took that allowed me to sleep without losing control of my power. "No time for dilly-dallying! Go!" I winced and slipped from Zoro's arms.

"May Rin?" Luffy and the pirates were looking at me. They weren't bad people, but I couldn't decide their fate.

"May Rin? Ha, is that the name you chose for yourself?" Master's voice sent chills through me. I turned from the StrawHat Pirates and walked up the stairs. I reached my room and shut the door behind me. I walked to the bedside table and picked up the syringe. I plunged it to my skin without a second thought. I felt tired. I lay down on my cot and slept.

Young Clarity's POV---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Before I was taken by Master Tore as a child I lived in Shimotsuki Village. I trained in a dojo. The same one as a certain boy. Zoro. I didn't have any friends and I was the weakest one in the dojo.
My mom was dead, my father almost never came home, I was all alone. I didn't have a good education of the sea or the history of our island.
When I heard Zoro and some other boys talking about 'Devil Fruits'. Not knowing what they were and being the curious little girl I later asked Zoro what Devil Fruits were. He looked at me like I was crazy and I thought he was going to tell me to go away, but instead a mischievous grin spread over his face. He launched into the history of Devil Fruits and I was fascinated.

"Devil Fruits are fruits that give the person who eats them extraordinary powers! The person can fly, or turn into fire!" Of course all of this was true except for one detail Zoro changed."When a person who has eaten a Devil Fruit enters the sea, his powers grow to great heights."
Zoro made it sound like a Devil Fruit user was invincible, but that wasn't the worst part. The worst part was when Master Tore took advantage of my incorrect knowledge and had me eat The Ultimate Devil Fruit. That was the start of my hopeless life. Zoro was the shove that got it started and forgiveness isn't my cup of tea.
(Chai tea is, just FYI).

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