Chapter Three

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  • Dedicated to Lyndsie Schok

Author's Note:
I don't own One Piece, but I wish I did!

Recap: Clarity woke up a strange boat, if you actually have to read this, you shouldn't be on the third chapter

Clarity's POV ----------------------------------------------

I took a step forward, but stumbled and fell on to the deck with a crash.

'So much for stealth...' I felt strong arms grab me and lift me from behind. The touch of skin-to-skin overwhelmed with memories of swordfighting, training, grief. I knew this was the little girl's power kicking in, but still it scared the crap out of me. I turned and saw Zoro. Since he had just saved my face from a few bruises, I assumed he was expecting a thank you.

"T-thank you, Zo--Pirate, Sir." I was as nervous as hell and it was obviously showing. Zoro smirked at me in a way that made me both uncomfortable and some other synonym for uncomfortable. My face grew hot and I looked down at the deck. Zoro turned and yelled out to the other crew members.

"Oi! The girl is awake!" In a matter of minutes, he was joined by the other six pirates. I looked up at them and smiled, figuring I needed to start establishing the "I'm a small child and harmless what are you talking about that's not a knife" image.The orange haired girl smiled back and asked,

"Hi there, what's your name?" I realized only then that I still hadn't thought up a fake name for myself, so I panicked and said,

"Isn't it considered rude to ask someone's name without giving your own first?" Considering I was on the spot, I figured that excuse worked pretty well. The pirate looked slightly taken aback at my blunt reply.

"Oh, I suppose you're right. I'm Nami, the navigator of the boat. The long-nosed guy over there is Usopp who works as our sniper, the blond is our cook, Sanji, the boy in the straw hat is Luffy, our not-so-well-respected captain. The reindeer's name is Chopper, he's our doctor, the raven haired girl is Robin she's our... well, our historian, I guess, and finally the mean looking green haired guy over there is Zoro, the first mate." I stared at the odd crew and slowly stepped forward to shake everyone's hands, not for the purpose of gaining their trust, but more for the purpose of seeing their pasts.

"Hi, I'm May Rin." I chose May Rin as my fake name, it had a rather nice ring to it. I was getting distracted. "How did I get on to this boat? I didn't cause you any trouble, did I?" I asked oh-so-innocently.

"No, no! After you passed out on the shore, we brought you up here to rest." answered Nami sweetly (another reason not to trust her).

'Well, At least let me show you around the village! I can help you get your supplies!" I needed them to take the bait, I had to get them back into town somehow.

"Of course! Lead the way!" We arrived at the town center a few minutes later and I took them to get their supplies.

"I'm hungry... Food! I need food" The captain had been complaining the entire time I took them shopping. I knew it was time for the final stage of Master's Plan

"Um, I could take you back to Voyage Inn. They have good food and they rent out rooms, too!"

"It is getting quite late." Robin pointed out

"I suppose we should get some rest. Where is this Inn?" Nami asked. I smiled inwardly.

"Right this way..." I started off towards the Inn. At last this day was turning out to be productive. About halfway to the Inn, Nami started pestering me with questions about the cost and whatnot.

"Is it cheap?


"Oh, it's expensive, isn't it?"

"Not exactly..."

"So how many berries per room?"

"Last time I checked it was around----" I broke off as I felt the electricity pulse through my body for the second time today, but this time Master had upped the voltage. I stopped walking and leaned against the wall to my left.

'This is bad. Master is beginning to get angry. I have to hurry.' The pirate crew stopped and looked back at me.

"Oi, are you alright?" Zoro looked actually concerned, which surprised me.

"I'm fine, let's just hurry before it gets dark." I began walking at a brisker pace than before. The others jogged to catch up to me. We were almost to the inn, it was three houses down to be exact.

'Everything is going good! We're back on schedule. At this rate everything will be perfect!' We continued down the street when the worst possible scenario happened.

"Hey, what's in there? That place looks cool!"

'Well, shit.'


Author's Note

Haha! I left you hanging (sort of, I don't know, you might be smart enough to figure it out), but still, it feels good after years of being the one hanging on the metaphorical hook. I'll try to update soon!

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