Chapter Sixteen

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  • Dedicated to All The People Who Have Ten Toes!

Author's Note:

I don't own One Piece!!! (Insert some clever snippet that took me three hours to come up with so all my readers think I'm sassy.)

Recap: if you actually bother reading this, comment!

Zoro's POV ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

I looked at Clarity's shoulder. There was a scar about the size of a compass. It was the shape of the moon and a single star. I lifted my gaze to her face.

'Clarity tried to kill me, then hugged me harder then I would have thought possible, she's in a coma, and now we find out she's in a deadly cult. Why are women so confusing?' Chopper cleared his tiny throat and began speaking again,

"Even though Clarity is alive now, it's most likely that she will...d-die in three to eight days." I looked up, shocked and weirdly disappointed.

"B-but that's good, right? I mean, she did try to kill us, twice, and now she's part of a scary cult!" Usopp stuttered. Sanji gasped and whacked Usopp on the back of the head,

"Clarity must have her own reasons! We have to save her!" Luffy nodded enthusiastically.

"I can't let a patient die in my care! Nami, how long until we reach the next island?"

"Uh, Four days until Hojad!" Chopper nodded and wandered over to the pile of books. He began digging through them as a new conversation started. Nami asked

"So, Robin, what's this cult Clarity's in like, anyways?" Robin's face grew sullen as she replied,

"The Kira (AN: "Kira is the Japanese word for "killer") Cult is famous for their ability to assassin people without being caught. Over the years they have killed many important rulers and political leaders, including--" She glanced at Luffy, who had his finger in his nose."-- never mind. The cult members are extremely skilled, which is why Clarity beat Zoro and Luffy so easily."

"I was just caught off guard!" I frowned at her and protested. Sanji chuckled and I put my hand on my sword's handle. We were interrupted from our stare-down by Chopper who exclaimed,

"Found it!" We all looked over at him. He was holding up a green book titled, 'Miracle Medicines' "This is the book we can use to save Clarity!"

He ran to Clarity and set the book down on the edge of the bed she was lying on. He flipped through the pages like his life depended on it. Well, Clarity's actually did.

Clarity's POV ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

'I'm almost dead." I just couldn't stop thinking about it. There was the chance I could die. In three to eight days. 'What if we don't make it to the island in time? What if I die on the third day, before we even make it to the island?' I closed my eyes; the scariest thing was how okay I was with it. I thought of all the bad things I'd done in the past. 'Will I go to Heaven or Hell?' I let my mind wander and found myself thinking of the scar on my shoulder.

Past Clarity's POV --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

When I awoke I was in a damp room. I remember the man, Tore, he knocked me unconscious. I felt the top of my head and there was a large bump. I held back a whimper as I felt the pain. I heard a silky voice ink through the silence,

"Clarity, finally awake, eh? Took you long enough, been waiting here for hours. Almost time for The Burning..." I squinted into the darkness.

"W-who are you!? Where am I? A-and what's The Burning?" The voice giggled girlishly and spoke,

"I have many names, but I won't concern you with any of them. You are in my home." I swallowed my fear and asked again,

"But what's The Burning?" Suddenly a candle was lit and the room lit up. A woman was sitting across the room at a wooden table. She picked up an iron rod from the table and held it up. One side of it was shaped into something I could not identify, but it was burning cherry red.

"This is hot. Your skin is clear. Put those two together and what do you get?"

"A tattoo of some sort?"

"No! You get a scar, idiot." The intensity of her voice made me wince. She stood, heat rod in hand and made her way toward me. She bent down and pulled my arm up to her eyes. She had a crazed look on her face and it wasn't helping my nerves.

"Please, no! I-i'l do anything you like! I have money back at my house!" She laughed crazily,

"Sweetie, you're a long way from home now." I whimpered as she yanked my shoulder upwards. "Perfect."

I squirmed, trying to get away from her hot rod. She pressed the hot end of the rod to my left shoulder without any hesitation and I screamed louder than I ever had. She giggled madly and I recognized the shapes now etched into my skin. A star and a moon.


Author's Note:

Sorry, I was really uninspired. Obviously the correct thing to do when you're uninspired is burn the fuck out of the main character. So I did.

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