Chapter Twenty One

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  • Dedicated to Someone Over The Rainbow...

Author's Note:

I don't own One Piece! Or do I? At this point, who even knows?

Recap: I was held hostage by thugs and none of you tried to save me.


Zoro's POV

I sighed. Did this girl really have no idea?

"So you just busted in here just to tell us we basically have no hope of saving Clarity?" I concluded. I didn't trust Daniella and she seemed a little odd.

"Well, In normal circumstances, Clarity would have the chance of dying peacefully, but, unfortunately, committing crimes can really degrade your chances of a peaceful afterlife. To make things worse, Clarity, well, to put things nicely, she's done many, many, many, many bad things in the past." Daniella looked a little uncomfortable talking about Clarity's past mistakes, but we didn't relent.

"Huh? What does all that mean?" Luffy had his face scrunched up in deep thought. Daniella smiled sadly at him, not yet regaining the dazzling confidence she had had earlier.

"It means you had better lock her up tight in a coffin." Sanji made a choking sob noise and I fell back into my chair. Luffy frowned.

"We're not locking any of my nakama up." He stated firmly.

"Your nakama? In the span of like three days, Clarity literally tried to murder you. Three times! And lied to you more times than Reba Van Gurta can count!" Daniella exclaimed. Luffy tensed up and glared at the woman. Noticing his glare, Daniella continued, "You really consider her nakama? You connect to people very quickly, remind me to leave before 9 am tomorrow. Did you ever actually tell her that you guys were nakama?"

"No, I just guessed--" Luffy started, but was swiftly cut off by Daniella.

"Just guessed? Just guessed that she would automatically know you and her were still on the same crew? She literally tried to kill you, of course, she's going to assume you all hate her! She hadn't had anyone to trust for most of her life and you expected her to know when she was accepted? No wonder her emotions were her cause of death! She thought she was alone again! For a captain, you are one heck of an idiot!" Daniella shouted at Luffy. I could almost hear Clarity speaking through her words.

Daniella took a deep breath and suddenly looked panicked. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry! It's just if I'm around a newly deceased body for too long I start to pick up their emotions! Whew, I need some fresh air!" Daniella started for the door.

"Ah! Daniella-san, would you care to join for a drink? I could use a little fresh air myself!" Sanji was at Daniella's side in seconds as she giggled and they left the ship.

"I-it's my fault?" Luffy's eyes were wide and unfocused as he spoke softly. "That Clarity is dead. It's my fault."

"Not at all, Luffy! Just ignore Daniella, she didn't know what she was saying!" Nami spoke smoothly to our rubber captain.

"Oi, Luffy. If it's anyone's fault for Clarity's death, it's Tort or whatever his name was. the ghost guy." I said. Luffy rubbed his eyes and nodded. He didn't look very convinced, but he had a new, determined look on his face.

"I'm going to see if there's a food place on this island." Luffy declared and stepped through the door.

"Food?" Chopper's eyes grew wide as he followed Luffy to find food.


Author's Note:

Okay, So take this chapter as a lesson. If given an opportunity to make a new OC, Elizard will 100% of the time make them just a little bit crazy.

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