Chapter Twelve

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  • Dedicated to A Pile Of Rocks

Author's Note:

I don't own One Piece!!!!! Sorry, it took longer for me to upload this chapter than usual! I was lazy. Just down right lazy.

Recap: I don't even know why I write this thing...

Clarity's POV ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

I pushed myself off the floor and tried to take a step. My legs were still weak and I couldn't walk without help from someone else. I asked if anyone would help me, but everyone declined. I guess I can't blame them. I did try to kill them and all. Robin suggested I just eat on deck. I was stripped of all my weapons. and I was left eating by myself. I pushed my plate away and brought my knees to my forehead.

'This is all Zoro's fault. Them finding out my secret, Me being kidnapped, my spilt ends. I suppose that last one isn't his fault, but eh.' I was interrupted from my thoughts by the sound of approaching footsteps. I looked up and saw Zoro. He was glaring at me, so I glared right back. He looked down at my full plate that I had rejected.

"Sanji won't like it if you waste food." He warned.

"So you eat it!" I snapped back at him. Nice one.

"Look, I don't know why you are so mad at me, I was eight! I was only kidding around, I didn't know you'd get kidnapped by some evil guy!" Anger welled up inside of me.

"Why in the world would you even want to trick me? I was a little girl! A tiny little, itty, bitty girl!"

"I was eight! I joked around a little and now you're blaming me for conspiring against you!"

"So you admit it!"

"What? No! I was just making a point!" I leaned against the railing as I got to my feet.

"You wouldn't understand, Mr. Perfect! You've lived the last ten years of your life skipping through fields of daisies under skies full of rainbows!"

"I don't do that! I've trained hard!" We were screaming at each other now, but we didn't care. Or at least I didn't. he might've, I wouldn't know, I'm not him.

"To become the World's Greatest Swordsman, I know. But how are you going to do that if you can't even beat me? I was the weakest at the dojo and I whipped your ass!" His eye flashed as he took a step back. He raised his right hand and slapped me across the face. I slammed against the floor. Zoro just stared at his hand, as if it was on fire. "Raising your fist to an unarmed lady? I never expected you to drop lower than you already were." He looked at me one last time and walked swiftly towards the boy's room. I lay there, looking pitiful, for awhile. My head hurt like hell. I heard a door open and saw Nami leave the kitchen. She saw me laying on the floor bloodied and miserable. She turned and stuck her head back into the room she just left. The rest of the crew came rushing out, excluding Zoro. When they reached me, I tried my best to look intimidating.

"What happened? Where's Zoro?" Nami asked. I spoke slowly.

"He's in the room. He's fine."

"Are you alright?" Robin gently prodded my forehead, cheek, and jaw. I groaned.

"I'm fine. I just need some rest." Sanji spoke next,

"I will bring down whoever or whatever did this to you, Clarity-chawn!" Luffy bent down next to me as Usopp talked,

"Brought to her knees for the second time today, today is a bad day for you, Clarity." I glared at him

"I'm fine!" I sat up and regretted. My head started pounding and lied back down. Luffy asked

"What happened?" I looked away from him and spoke normally,

"Just stuff." I didn't tell Luffy that Zoro had hit me. I don't know why I didn't. Robin frowned, but didn't say anything.

"What happened to Zoro?" Luffy was becoming annoying with all his questions.

"Ask him." I avoided his question with a spaced out glare. I was becoming woozy and I shut my eyes.

'Maybe this time I'll have good dreams for a change.' I didn't (surprise, surprise).


Author's Note:

Anyone else just imagine Zoro skipping around in a field of daisies?

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