Chapter Two

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Author's Note:

I don't own One Piece!
Recap: Clarity just met the navigator of the Straw Hat Pirates and whatnot

Clarity's POV---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

I struggled to keep my cool as my head began to throb.

'Zoro isn't supposed to be here! He'll ruin everything! What should I do?'' Thoughts raced through my head as I let out an internal scream. I was on the verge of collapsing and it was clearly visible. I fell to my knees when everything started to blur. This was bad, if i stayed unconscious for to long I would lose control of my powers and revert back to my normal form. I heard voices conversing, but I couldn't process what they meant.

"Gah! Doctor! Doctor! Somebody call a doctor!"

"That's you, Chopper!"

"What did you to do her, Zoro?"

"Do you think she needs meat?"

"I didn't do anything! I just walked up a----" Zoro's deep voice was cut off as I passed out.

Young Clarity's POV---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

I was finally alone. It was time to escape. I tied the sheets from my bed together and threw them out the window. I climbed down them and sprinted away from the house that had been my hell for the past three months. At the gate of the village, I stopped to catch my breath. I couldn't wipe the smile off my face, one step and I would be free. I took the step that would take me to freedom, but as I did electricity courses through my body. I shrieked in pain and fell to the ground. I heard footsteps from behind me and Master Tore laughed.

"You have a system of wires running throughout your body." He held up a black remote."One push of this button, depending on how long I hold it down, and you get fried. Poor, little Clarity!" He yanked me up by my elbow and I was dragged back to Hell.

Reality-Clarity's POV---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

I awoke with a shock. Literally. Master Tore must have clicked the button as a warning that I was taking too long. I sat up cautiously and was immediately aware that I was in a bed in a strange room. My legs hardly reached the floor as I swung them over the side, so I had good cause to believe I was still the young girl.I touched my feet to the floor and tip-toed to the door on the opposite side of the room.
When I pulled it open, I was blinded by the bright sun. I quickly recover and looked around.

'Where am I?' I walked up some steps and was greet by the smell of salt water. I groaned as I realized that I was on a boat. As a Devil Fruit user, I try to stay away from being surrounded on all four sides by sea water, but somehow I seem to find myself in that exact predicament. Great.

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