Chapter Twenty Three

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  • Dedicated to Garga Garga Fling Flang

Author's Note:

I don't own One Piece!! And oh my god how do people write romance? It's exhausting.

Recap: You're reading this...You're still reading this......Should you really be on the twenty third chapter?



A warmth blossomed in my stomach as I kissed Zoro. It felt right somehow. There was a loud knock at the door and I froze.

'Shit...' I shoved myself away from Zoro and onto the edge of the bed. My face felt hot and I guessed it was red. Daniella burst through the door.

"Clarity! It's about time you woke up!" The girl shouted as she tackled me. "The pirates were all sad! It was kind of weird!" I gently removed her arms from around me and grinned at her.

"I don't die that easy." I told Daniella. She frowned at me.

"Are you alright, Clar-Bear? Your face is all red, are you feeling woozy?" She put her hand on my forehead.

"I told you not to call me that." I hissed. I saw Zoro grinning tauntingly and turned to him. "Don't get any ideas, Seaweed."

"Whoa... I can't believe I didn't notice it when I came in! Oh my gosh!" Daniella squealed and I raised an eyebrow.

"Noticed what?" Zoro asked.

"You two kissed! " Daneilla said. I widened my eyes and my face felt hot. I quickly regained my cool composure.

"I don't know what you're talking about..." I said calmly. Zoro was bright red and wasn't helping my case.

"Yes, you do! You always twiddle your thumbs when you lie!" Daniella exclaimed. I looked down at my hands. Apparently I did.

"Dammit." I muttered. I looked down at the bed.

"But I didn't come in here to torture you! I was wondering if Sanji had come back on board."

"No. I don't think so. Why?" By the time Daniella answered she was at the door.

"He still has my underwear." She winked at me and slipped out of the room.

"The bastard finally got laid?" Zoro asked in surprise.

"I guess today is filled with surprises." I shook my head in disbelief. The room was filled with an awkward silence.

"Well...." Zoro attempted to decrease the awkwardness.

"Uh, I should really go tell the other pirates I'm not, you know, dead." I stood quickly and took a step towards forward. I fell forward, my legs still weak from lack of movement and being, well, dead. I prepared myself to face plant, but instead Zoro caught me, my face inches from the floor. He lifted me to my feet and wrapped my arm around his neck.

"Need help?" Zoro asked me. I begrudgingly nodded and put my weight on him. We walked to the door and pulled open the door. The bright sunlight blinded me and I hurriedly covered my eyes. Zoro kept his hands around me so I wouldn't fall. I suppose being dead really makes you forget how bright the sun is.

"Damn, who turned up the sun?" I wondered aloud. I slowly opened my eyes and let them adjust to the bright light. When I could see properly, Zoro helped me to a chair that had been set up on deck. I flopped into the chair. The short journey had exhausted my limbs. Stupid death, making me weak.

" I am not going any farther than this! Just do me a favor and get your crewmates." I ordered Zoro. He raised an eyebrow, but turned and went to gather the pirates. I watched the clouds above me as I waited.

"Clarity, you're alive!" I was tackled from behind by Luffy. He pulled me off the floor and, wrapped his rubber arms around me and hugged me hard. I gently put my arms around him, but it felt very awkward. I wasn't used to hugs like this,

"Yes, I am. No need for hugging though." Luffy ignored me and kept his arms around me.

"I'm sorry I left you alone in the mystery place. You're my nakama." He spoke quietly, but his voice was full of emotion.

"I'm your nakama? Wow I've been here for like a week, but thanks." I was someone's nakama? Someone really wanted me? "Nak-a-ma," the word rolled off my tongue.

"Yes." Luffy's one word answer made my heart soar.

"Thank you." I said letting my gratitude slip into my voice. "Now the hug is crossing into uncomfortable." I pulled away from him. His eyes were filled with confusion, but his mouth was turned up into a grin.

"No problem!" He chirped. I smiled at him, my nakama. I walked, with the help of Luffy, back to the chair and sat down. The next hour or two were filled with apologies (mostly from me. Okay, all from me.). After we had gotten settled down on the deck, Daniella hopped on board and squeezed in between me and Luffy.

"Sorry, I'm a little late! Boss wouldn't let me leave! What a pain in the ass!" Daniella spoke casually. I laughed quietly and suddenly there was a spell of silence.

"What?" I asked the members of my new crew.

"I've never heard you laugh before." Nami spoke.

"What? I've laughed on this ship before...haven't I?" Usopp shook his head. I continued, "Huh. Weird, could have sworn I threw that in somewhere.'


Author's Note:

Things are finally looking up! Oh god I just jinxed it, didn't I?

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