Chapter Five

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  • Dedicated to Eiichiro Oda

Author's Note:

I don't own One Piece, well, yet.

Just a warning; a bit of violence!

Recap: Honestly, Just start from the beginning!

Clarity's POV---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The unexpectedness of it all forced me to my knees, but Master didn't stop. He cracked the whip across my back, face, and hands. The pain was too much for the little girl's body and I reverted back to my natural form. I had tears running down my face and was begging for mercy. Finally, he stopped just as unexpectedly as he started. He crouched down and ran a hand along my cheek.

"I hope you've learned your lesson this time, Silly Clarity. It would be a...shame for me to have to do that again." He chuckled and leaned closer to my ear, as if to tell me something private."Now, I want you to turn back into the little girl and great our guests in the entry way..." I looked up at him in surprise.

"They got in?" Master usually had the house on lock down. He stared down at me and said,

"Only because I let them. Now, get your ass in there and make them leave!" The forcefulness of his voice made me wince, but I knew it was better to do what he said rather than to procrastinate. I got up as quickly as my broken body allowed and shifted into the little girl's body once again. I half stumbled half dragged myself to the entry way. I tripped and let out a yelp of pain when I hit the floor.

'At least, I have their attention now.' Nami rushed to my side and helped me get up.

"May Rin, you're okay! What happened?" I ignored her question and got straight to the point.

"W-we got to get out of here." I stifled a sob" It hurts! Please, let's go..." I broke down into tears that I hoped would make them pity me enough to get out of here.

"Nope. Now I really want meet this priest guy so I can kick his ass!" Luffy said casually.

'Dammit! Curse Luffy and his adventurous spirit!' I opened my mouth to object, but Usopp beat me to it.

"I-I can't go in there! My Can't-Go-In-Creepy-Churches-And-Meet-Scary-Old-Guy Diease is acting up!" I opened my mouth again to agree with him, but it seemed like the pirate crew's intent was to keep cutting me off.

"Usopp, you should know by now that there is no convincing Luffy otherwise once he gets his mind set." Zoro chided. This time I waited a couple of seconds to see if anyone needed to say something, then I open my mouth to speak, only to get cut off again by Chopper.

"Wow, Luffy, you're so awesome! Are you really gonna beat the ghost?" I gave up trying to speak for the time being and watched the pirates converse while I stood there sniffling.

"Yep, I'm gonna beat him up."

"And we're gonna get his treasure, for sure!"

"A little girl just got beaten by an old man ghost and you're thinking about getting the treasure?"

"We're getting that treasure!"

"Yes, Nami-san~!"

"Can we use the treasure to buy meat?"

"Only if you beat up the old ghost guy."

"Yahoo! Let's go beat up a ghost!" I needed to stop them. So I went with the first arguement that popped into my head.

"How are you gonna beat up a ghost? If you can't actually hit him without going through him, I mean." They stopped and looked back at me. They seem to contemplate that for a moment and I thought I had won.

"I dunno. I'll figure that out later." said Luffy. The others just shrugged and followed Luffy into the next room.

"Are you just gonna leave me here?" I called after them.

"Nope!" A hand shot out of the dark room for the second time and wrapped around me. It pulled me into the room after the pirates and my sore and oozing wounds shrieked with me.

"Luffy! Tell her that you ate a devil fruit before you do stuff like that!" scolded Nami.

'A devil fruit,eh? This could get interesting...' Luffy set me down gently on the cold stone floor.

"Do all of you guys have devil fruit powers?" I asked. Nami was the first to answer.

"No, only Robin, Luffy, and Chopper. Luffy ate the Gum Gum Fruit, which made him a rubber man, Robin ate the Hana Hana Fruit, so she can sprout her body parts on any surface, and Chopper ate the Hito Hito Fruit so he is now a human reindeer." I nodded slowly taking it all in, this information was beginning to brighten my mood. Luffy sighed and said,

"Come on, this is boring why don't we beat up the old guy and get the treasure?" Nami laughed and agreed. Robin point out the obvious.

"May Rin shouldn't walk with those injuries." We looked at her in surprise.

"Oh, yeah," Nami spoke. "We should bandage her up and then carry her the rest of the way" After using the first aid kit in Chopper's bag, I felt much better.

"Who's going to carry her?" Robin asked.

"I'll do it." Zoro said.

'Of all the people... Zoro?' I swear the universe is out to get me.

Author's Note:

Sorry if I got any info mixed up!
Also look how creative I am:
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