Chapter Ten

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  • Dedicated to Olivia... I Can't Spell Your Last Name!

Author's Note:

I don't own One Piece!!!! (For now, watch out, guys)

Recap: Words, words, words, words...

Clarity's POV---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

I watched as Zoro drew his swords and took the action as a 'yes'. I dropped into a battle stance and grinned at him. He rushed at me, eyes glaring. I figured if I lost and died, great. If I won and killed Zoro, eh, so be it. I easily blocked his attack and spoke,

"You've come along way from the last time I saw you, Zoro." He glided backwards as I swung at him and asked,

"We've met before?" I laughed and blocked his advance with one of my own.

"You really don't remember me, then? I suppose it has been awhile." I slashed with both of my swords and nicked his shoulder. " Does the name Clarity ring any bells?"

"A few." He caught my the top of my hip as I tried to dodge a blow.

"Shall I refresh your memory?" I didn't wait for an answer. "Many years ago, who knows how many, in the Shimotsuki village poor, little Clarity joined a dojo hoping to get stronger and make friends. She was ignored for the first few weeks, but finally a certain little girl befriended Clarity. Her name was Kuina. Kuina was very nice to little Clarity, despite her cold exterior. They were only a few weeks into their rapidly growing friendship when something tragic happened. Little Zoro, being the bastard that he is, had to go and kill her off." Zoro's eyed flashed with anger and thrust his swords towards me. I laughed and easily side-stepped the blow, taking the opportunity to slash at his back. He lunged away and I cut into his leg instead. He growled at me,

"You wench!" I grinned and continued with my story,

"Clarity was very sad and once again she was ignored. But still, she trained and trained trying to get strong and move up in her little world. Weeks later, she had grown used to being ignored. By both the kids at the dojo and her drunk father at home. Poor, young Clarity never got an education in the history of the world. So when she overheard Zoro talking about Devil Fruits with his group of many admirers, she curious about what they were. She shyly asked Zoro about them later. Zoro decided to have a little fun with her and lied about the Devil Fruits. He made them sound like things to be worshipped, rather than feared. And so when Clarity was later tricked into eating one, she was stolen away by a man who made her a monster! She was experimented on, beaten for no reason, forced to train for hours at a time," With each thing I listed my hits got more powerful and I began to force Zoro into the defensive. With a single blow the swords flew out his hands and I forced the third sword out of his mouth. "What little girl deserves that? I suffered for ten years because of you!" Tears were streaming down my face. I sheathed my swords and stood there sniffing for a moment. I glared at Zoro as he slowly began to recognize me. Then, I kicked him in the face and he flew back into the wall. I wiped the tears away and turned to face the rest of the crew. They were all staring, open mouthed. I spoke threateningly,

"Anyone else?" Luffy stepped forward and said,

"I can't let you talk to my friend like that." I twisted my mouth into a small smile as I slowly transformed into Luffy.


He looked at me numbly and asked,

"I'm going to fight against myself?" My smile turned into a crazed grin. This time I transformed into Robin.

"I can fight as Robin instead." Robin gasped. I converted into Chopper. " Or Chopper? Then again, I suppose that would be unfair for you to be beaten by one who looks like your friend." I reverted back to myself. I had to admit, I was beginning to have a bit of fun with this.

"Shall we begin?" Luffy stretched his arm back and shouted,

"GUM GUM....PISTOL!" His hand shot toward me, but I jumped over it and landed nimbly on the rail behind me. I dodged the rest of his attacks easily. Brute force didn't work well on someone who had been trained for fights like this. I reached where he was standing and sheathed my swords and pulled out my favored weapon, my dagger. I prepared to strike Luffy, but electricity pulsed through my body causing me to fall to the ground. The dagger clattered to the ground. As the voltage slowly elevated, I looked to where Zoro now stood, holding the remote. I could no longer move and was beginning to find it hard to breath. Zoro stopped holding the button down, but I was still paralyzed. Luffy bent over me and poked my face.

"Is she dead?" He was joined by the other pirates.

"Why'd the remote affect her like that?" Nami's voice asked hesitantly.

"I dunno." Zoro said simply like the dumb butt he is.

"So how did you know to use it?" Chopper questioned Zoro.

"Her uncle said to use it if she misbehaved." Zoro said, probably with a shrug, but I couldn't see.

"So her name is Clarity?" Usopp sounded confused.

"Yeah." Zoro confirmed. What a stupid, stupid dick.

"The Ultimate Devil Fruit." Robin said suddenly.

"What?" Usopp said, still very confused.

"She has the power of the Ultimate Devil Fruit." Robin clarified.

'Yep, It's confirmed. The universe definitely has something against me."


Author's Note:

Whew! That was intense! Did anyone else just realize how badass Clarity is? Not that I wrote her to be that way or anything. That would make me, as Clarity would probably put it, a stupid, stupid dick.

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