Chapter Twenty Five

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  • Dedicated to You little turds, love you all

Author's Note:

Should I just tell you all where to send the assassins to kill me for not updating?

I don't own One Piece, thank lord for that, I suck at art.

Recap: Zoro kissed Clarity. AGAIN. God, Zoro, mix it up a bit at least.


Clarity's POV:

I was still trying to get over the fact that Zoro's lips were on mine for the second time when he pulled away. Our faces were still inches apart and I'm sure mine was bright red. I searched my brain for something sarcastic to say.

"Hi." I said lamely. I scrunched up my face in confusion at my own words. Did I just greet him?

"Hi?" Zoro responded unsurely and I mentally cursed myself for being such an idiot.

"Well, if it wasn't awkward before..." I said sarcastically to cover up the fact that I was at a loss for what to say. Zoro fell back into his seat and I did the same.

"What? You're the one that made it awkward." He said defensively.

"Am not! You did, with your kissing and your weird, little belt!" I protested and he gasped as though I had stabbed him .

"It's not a belt, it's a haramaki sash." He insisted.

"More like haraSAKE sash." I scoffed and internally congratulated myself on that great pun.

"What does that even mean?" He proclaimed.

"You're an alcoholic, you figure it out!" I shouted with a grin on my face.


Daniella stood watching the two that would soon become a couple argue and smiled to herself. Won't be long until they need me to clean their sheets, she thought to herself. You know...sexually.


I added the last part for those innocents who for some reason have understood the rest of my sexual innuendos, but not that one.


Filler, check! Short, check! Late, check!

This is the last chapter before the final chapter, you guys. I love you little turds so much for helping me along with this fan fic (I'm not crying, you're crying) and I hope at least few of you decide not to assassinate me after all.


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