Chapter Twenty

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Author's Note:

I don't own One Piece! I finally got the motivation to write and no, there are definitely not thugs that someone sent with guns to my head forcing me to write. No way. Nooope. Not a chance.

Recap: Yabba jabba joo hoo...

Zoro's POV:

My eyes snapped open as I felt the ship heave to a stop. I yawned and and got up. We were at Kojad, so Clarity would be healed soon. I felt a weight lifted off my shoulder. I shrugged off the strange feelings and went to drop anchor. It made a satisfying splash as it landed in the water.

I stuck my hands in my pockets and wandered to where Clarity was resting. I pushed open the door and began,

"Oi, Chopper, we're at Ko--" I stopped when I saw the scene before me. Robin was sitting in a chair by the window with Chopper crying in her lap.

"I-I...I couldn't do anything! She's gone! Wahh!" Chopper sobbed into Robin's legs. I felt my body freeze up.

"She's dead?" I spoke slowly. Robin looked at me and nodded solemnly. We had just made it to Kojad and she died. I looked over to Clarity's body. She was more pale then had ever been and she no longer had a second body.

I stumbled into the room, my legs suddenly weak. I slumped into the second chair in a daze. I had no sense of time. Hours might've flown by. Sanji sobbing, Chopper sobbing, Luffy staring off into space. We'd only known this girl for a few days. She had tried to kill us twice, threaten us, and had insulted more than I could count, but here we were in a sad daze. A depressing silence had long filled the room. The door flew open, startling us all. A slender woman with long black pigtails stood in the doorway. She had a smile on her face big enough to level with Luffy's when he was happy. I stood into a offensive position, ready to take on the new opponent.

"Whoa! You guys look sad!" She exclaimed. Sanji began sobbing and nose-bleeding, somehow, at the same time. "Okay, wow, sorry, didn't mean to make you cry. I'm the soon to be famous writer, Daniella Vyachslov. Bottom line, not a threat, just came to let you all know, Clarity isn't dead."  My eyes widened, but I kept my hand on my sword.

"I-isn't dead? She doesn't have a heartbeat a-n-a-n-and she--!" Chopper broke off into sobs.

"What do you mean she isn't dead? How do you even know her name?" I growled at the girl.

"No need to growl, Mr. Sunshine And Daisies! There are two types of dead, Spirit-Dead and Body-Dead. Clarity isn't either of them, since there's actually a third type that I'd didn't mention. She's Emotionally-Dead, meaning her emotions have eaten down at the rest of her sending her into what I call 'The Abyss.' Normally, she would be dead, but because of an strong emotional attachment to something, someplace, or, " her eyes lingered over to mine "Someone. So basically, she's in a deep trance-like state with no heartbeat." We all stared blankly at her. Why'd she look at me when she was talking about emotional attachments? Clarity hates me, well, usually anyways. It's hard to tell with her.

"Ignoring the saddening talk of death for the time being, I don't believe you ever said how you know Clarity or why you came to this ship." Robin responded coolly.

"Oh, You must be Robin! Clarity, while in her spirit form, was able to communicate with me because of my Devil Fruit; The Kankaku Kankaku Fruit I can sense dead people and communicate with the spirits in or almost in the Abyss, among other things. So, when I sensed Clarity slipping into the Abyss, I came to save her, because I am a great person."

"Save her from what?" I asked. Daniella turned to look at me.

"Herself. She's trapped in the Abyss until she is either, a. Brought out of the trance or b. staying there forever until her faith, hope, and humanity fades and she is mutated into a murderous demon with no soul who takes pleasure in killing the innocent."

I wondered briefly if that was all that different from how she normally is.

"I think I'd rather bring her back. How do we?" Nami spoke up. Daniella looked her in the eyes and took a deep breath.

"I... have no idea whatsoever."


Author's Note:

I think I've appeased the thugs.

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