Chapter Fourteen

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  • Dedicated to Clarity D. Luciditie

Author's Note:

I don't own One Piece!!! (Only three this time because I'm the author here and I've come to the realization that I am completely in control of everything you're reading right now at this very moment.)

Recap: Shit goes down...

Clarity's POV ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

At that moment, I didn't care about the fact that I was embracing Zoro (ew.), I just needed a comforting hug. I still blamed myself for my mother's death.

'You should have stopped her! You should have done something! It's your fault she's dead!' As this thought ran through my head I sobbed harder into Zoro's chest. He rubbed my back gently. 'Now, she's dead. Dead, dead, dead!'

"Stop..." I muttered softly to myself. I wanted the voices to stop. Trying to convince myself that I'm not crazy.

'I'll bet your father's dead, too. All because of silly, little Clarity!'

"Stop it!" I pulled back from Zoro and put my hands over my ears. And now I'm going insane...

'He's dead! She's dead! They're all-ll-ll dead!'

'Stop! I said stop!" Zoro looked concerned, but he wasn't my problem this time.

'Who are you gonna kill next? Who's next on Clarity's hit list?'

"STOP! STOP! STOP! It wasn't my fault!" I was shouting over the voices. I fell to my knees.

'Dead! Dead! Dead! They're dead! All because of Clarity!' I looked over to Zoro and whispered to him,

"Please, help me..."

'You killed them! You killed them! You killed them! You killed them!' I screamed in agony, the voices wouldn't stop their chanting. Zoro stumbled backwards and knocked over a book shelf. It fell against the door, holding it shut. The other crew members were banging against the door. Zoro put his hand on an end-table to push himself up, but instead held down the button on the remote. Yes, that remote. Electricity surged through my body and I fell to floor. WHY IS EVERYTHING GOING TO SHIT?

'At least the voices stopped.' Zoro grabbed his hand off the remote as Sanji kicked in the door. A line of blood dripped from my nose. I wanted to close my eyes, but something told me not to. I watched as Nami screamed and Usopp's knees got shaky. Sanji rushed to me and flipped me over to my back. His lips moved, but no sound left them. I spoke shakily,

"B-brought to my k-knees for the th-hird time. Damn." I smiled weakly. I wiped the trail of blood from my nose and sat up. Zoro was sitting, dazed, in a pile of books. Nami, Usopp, and Chopper were standing by the door. Luffy was standing next to Zoro and Robin was a few feet from me. There were pieces of wood all over the floor, from the broken book shelf and door. I closed my eyes. "I'm tired. I just-" I didn't finish my sentence, but instead I dropped to the ground as I passed out. For the third damn time.

Zoro's POV ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Clarity collapsed to the floor. I was still sitting in the pile of books from the shelf I had knocked over. Chopper ran forward and felt her forehead.

"Aie-e-e! She has a fever! I'm going to need to examine her thoroughly, If you could all leave the room. Except for you, Robin, I'll be needing your help." We all mumbled our agreements and shuffled out the door. When I shut what was left of the door, Sanji grabbed me by my shoulders and shouted,

"What the hell did you do to her?" I knocked his hands off my shoulders and replied,

"I didn't do anything! She was just fine one minute and screaming the next!"

"Shitty marimo!" I unsheathed my sword.

"Idiot love cook!" He swung his leg towards me and blocked it with my sword. Nami swatted us both on the head.

"Don't even start! We need to be quiet for Chopper!" Sanji fawned over Nami and said

"Yes, Nami-swan~!" I grunted and re-sheathed my sword. I walked over to the crow's nest and climbed up. I sat there and thought over what had happened with Clarity. She went from hating me to hugging me as hard as she could. To be honest, I'm pretty sure we're only warming up to her because she sometimes makes terrible puns.

'She's strange in an okay sort of way.'

Clarity's POV ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

I opened my eyes. Chopper was standing over me with a wet rag in his hand. He lay on my forehead. I sat up, but Chopper didn't react. I looked at where I had been laying. I was still there! I looked down at my hands, they were transparent and ghostly. I gasped and had a miniature heart attack.

'What the actual fuck? How am I here and there? Oh, shit, am I dead?' I looked at Chopper and waved my hands in front of his face.

"Yo, Chopper. Chopper, I'm right here. Chopper, look at me, goddammit!" He didn't look at me. He leaned over me. Her. My body.

"Her body has finally given in to the abuse she's gotten over the years. She has a major fever and is most likely going through mental trauma. I'm guessing that the screams we heard was her having a breakdown. From the amount of scars on her ankles and legs alone, I'm surprised she didn't collapse earlier."

'Great, I'm either dead or in a coma. Just great.'


Author's Note:

I just have a thing for death and destruction I guess!


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