Ereri Pt.1 Oneshot

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So this one will be a modern ERERI one! So they will be dating already. But something will happen idk what but let us see. In this one there will be more of jumping from POV to POV.

A BIG part of this, is that Eren is older then the canonical age gap. So it's less weird.

Graphic detail warning!

-Stay Kawaii <3

Eren's POV:
I was walking up to Levi's porch. It was a cold winter day, the snow shimmered in the afternoon's sun. I was standing outside the door. I was really nervous..... Then out of nowhere the door swings open. I see Levi standing right in front of me wearing a casual black sweatshirt, I didn't know how but he looked pretty damn sexy. "What is it brat?!" He snaps at me. "Can I come in?" I asked him swiftly. "Tch fine." He says and grabs me by the hand. Levi then dragged me to the couch and tosses me on the couch like a little kid throwing a ballon into the air.. "What are you doing?" I asked him, I couldn't help but blush because I just don't know it's something about him. He didn't say anything. Levi just layed down next to me and wrapped his arms around me.

Levi's POV:
I had the same dream again..... My friends in a frozen lake calling for me, calling for help. Their bloody hands grasping for air. I don't think I should tell him. "Eren....." I said softly. "Yea?" He asks me while he kissed me on the cheek, I showed no sign of emotion. "I neeee... I neeeeeed." I started. "Tell me what?" He asks me. Nobody in my life has understood me as much as this little brat.

"About a nightmare." I said feeling greatly embarrassed. Eren was listening now. "It happens every night. Two people are in a freezing river and, and they are calling for me, for me to help them. Their bloody bone hands being held high up in the air so I can save them. But I couldn't, I couldn't do anything. I was frozen with fear."I couldn't help but to allow my self to cry for once in front of somebody else. "It's alright.... Everything will be alright." Said Eren as he held me tightly to his chest. He breathes were so light and soft. I held tightly on to him. Not wanting to ever loose him....

Eren's POV:
I've never seen Levi like this. But I am happy that he trusts me with this. "Anything else?" I asked him. He looks sleepily up at me. "No." Levi says quietly. I hold him even closer to me. He has seemed to calm down quite a bit now. I run my fingers through his silky black hair. Levi then looks up draws his head closer to me. A smirk stole my face. I lean in and kiss him softly on the lips. Levi then grabs me by the back of my head, running his hand across my back, deepening the kiss. When the kiss ended I propped my head onto his shoulder. "I'll keep you safe......." I told him.

Levi's POV:
I feel so much better after telling Eren. "Brat tell me.... How much do you love me?" I asked Eren. Eren looked kind of shocked but then he smiled at me. "Levi there are no words in this world that I can use to confess me love towards you." Eren said blushing. I then slightly smile up at him. "I love you too." I told him, looking out the window. It was snowing outside. The snow gently falling to the ground.

An hour later........
My head was throbbing with a horrible headache. That stupid brat, Eren was asleep on the floor with his dark brown hair sticking at every angle. I stood-up and walked into the kitchen. I run my fingers across the counter, there was dust. "Disgusting." I spat. I decided that I'll clean later...

Eren's POV:
I woke-up on the floor and I looked up not to see Levi on the couch much a small black cat. "Hey Levi," I called out. But nobody answered. So I walked into Levi's kitchen to see him cleaning. "What'cha doin'?" I asked him. He looks up at me. "I'm cleaning." He snaps at me. A small smile stole my expression. "How many times do you need to clean the kitchen?" I asked him. He didn't respond and just kept cleaning. "Well then..... There's a cat out there. Is it yours?" I asked Levi. "Yes the filthy feline is mine. And her name is Yuki." He responds. "Cool I'm gonna call her Windex." I laughed. Levi just looks blankly up at me. "What?" I asked him. Levi then pushes me out of the kitchen since he was cleaning.

I walk out into the living room. My phone went off. It was a text message from Armin.

Armin: Hey Eren!
Eren: Sup
Armin: Mikasa was wondering what to make for dinner tonight. Considering none of us has any ideas.
Eren: What about order Mexican?
Armin: K see ya! 🍓🍬🌈🐢😄🦄😇🔰🔰🔰🔰🔰🔰
Eren: WTF 🔰

Then the cat jumps onto my lap. "Hey Yuki or should I call you WINDEX!" I said with a smirk on my face. Yuki then hisses at me. I hiss back. "What in the f*cking hell are you doing?!" Levi hisses at me. "Uhhhh nothing." I said. "Are you done cleaning." I asked Levi. I just nodded and took a sip of his tea. "Since when did you make tea?" I asked. "When I was done cleaning brat." He says quickly. Then there was a knock at the door.

Levi's POV:
I heard a loud bang on the door. "Who's at the door?" Asks Eren. "Most likely Shitty-Glasses and Erwin." I hissed. I then swung the door open. "HEYO! Shorty!!" Screams Hanji and she puts her arm around me. Well Erwin just walks in. "Hey what's Eren doing here?" Asks Hanji as she was peering over my shoulder. Eren seemed to be nervous now. "Erwin take off your shoes." I hissed at him. "Oh yea sorry." He says as he slipped of his shoes and set them next to the door. Then Hanji started to walk towards Eren. "Shitty-Glasses take off your shoes." I said, Hanji's shoes were filthy with mud all over them. "Alright fiiiiiiinnnneeee." Said Hanji as she took off her disgusting boots.

I then stood in front of Erwin and Eren who were talking about random shit. "What in the hell are you doing here?!" I asked Erwin. "Nothing. It was Hanji's idea to come over considering Eren's here." He said smoothly. "Brat." I hissed as I walked into the kitchen. I then heard footsteps walking into the kitchen. "Hey come on Levi.... We could have some fun with Erwin and Hanji here." Said Eren with his hands in his pockets. "Yea sure." I hissed while rolling my eyes. I grabbed my cup and poured some more tea in it. "Oh come on." Said Eren as he wrapped his arms around me from behind. The brat then kissed me on the cheek. "Tch...." Was all what I said.

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