Reyna x Anxietyfem!Reader Oneshot

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Hello! This is my first time writing an x Reader, so heads up! This is Reyna from HoO.




Her dark eyes watches y/n chest, slowly rise and fall. Her lips curl to a smile, one of comfort and tenderness.

Y/n wakes up to the effortless strokes gliding down her h/c. She opens her eyes to see Reyna's smile.

"Hello, amor." A purr erupts in the back of Reyna's throat.

N/y slowly lifts herself up, "Morning, Reyna." Y/n responds.

Reyna points to the thick blinds, hiding the pair from the monsters of the world. "It's barely six in the morning, y/n."

A frown forms on y/n's face, "Then why this early...?" Y/n yawns.

"Because I am praetor, and it's my job to run Camp with Frank, but I did ask for a few more hours." Reyna extends her toned arm and pulls y/n to her powerful chest.

The warm breathe of Reyna causes y/n to gaze up, "To be here?" Her dark skin captures the light of the early sun.

Reyna's curled hair bobs as she nods, "Of course, y/n." She presses her soft lips to y/n's cheek.

Your hands meet and fingers intertwine, y/n nudges closer and rests her head on the crook on Reyna's neck.

The warmth of both calms y/n's anxiety for the moment. "All will work out. If not, we can do it together." Reyna whispers to y/n.

Still her fingers swim through the strands of y/n's hair.

The same scent of Reyna; roughness of iron and wood fills y/n's lungs, causing a pleasant tingle.

N/y's breathing slows, "Say more." Y/n closes her y/e eyes.

The light pillows shifts with Reyna's  weight. "You will be okay, we are here for you, y/n." She places another peck on y/n's cheek.

"You matter and you are strong and resilient." Another peck.

A sleepy grin forms on y/n's face, "Thank you, darling." Y/n murmurs.

The grip of Reyna tightens as she holds you closer. Then her eyes rest as well.

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