A White Christmas

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As a single snowflake trickles upon my nose, the clouds block the sight of the endless stars that stir above.

A subtle change shifts in the air as all sound ceases to exist, and tranquility fills my usual raging thoughts.

The only items that are keeping me present is the cold nipping at my fingers and the warmth of my jacket.

As thoughts drag on, the loud pounding of feet guided us children down the stairs and to under the tree.

Santa has left us his gifts for us good children, and the delicious treats were gone.

In place was a letter written to us in a hurried sprawl of letters.

He thanked us for the kindess of our truffles, cookies, and warm milk.

While the reindeer at the food that we left for them.

That same night so long ago, I could have sworn I saw light illuminating from Santa's sleigh.

Wonder willed my emotions at the very moment.

Those are the memories to hold onto, to remember the warmth and love of a family.

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