Throne of Glass Oneshot

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This chapter is a quick fanfic for Throne of Glass. And it's suppose to be humorous in a way and a way for me to work on descriptions of things.

-Stay Kawaii

I gaze into the dim room of the kitchen. "Kisa what are you doing?!" It was a strong lethal voice that rang in my ears. I turn around to see Rowan, lingering in the collected vault of shadows. His cold, ageful eyes stared over my head.

"Kisa we need you in the kitchen." It was Malakai. I turn my head and nod, yes. His eyes moved to Rowan. "Prince Rowan." He murmurs as he bows his head, out of respect. "Make sure she does extra work." He emphasizes on extra. I sigh and head into that gods-forsaken kitchen.

After washing and preparing meals until it felt like my hands were bleeding inside, and out. I look over the counters to see Emyers speaking to another young Fae with shoulder length hair with the colour of sun flower petals floating from above, and pale, icy blue eyes.

"Kisa..." She says my name with her usual, falt voice. "Yes?" I ask her as I lean upon the cold counters. "I need you to go to town to collect eggs." She responds, an order it was. "Alright Tsuki." I applied as I wash the once fresh looking foods from my hands.

I walk over to the ancient chair next to the door and grab my storming grey cloak. I swing it over my shoulders and shift, into my animal. A Mockingbird, chirps beautiful melodies and doesn't destroy nature. It brings joy, light in shadowed places. Brings smiles to despaired faces.

I fluttered out into the hallway and passed Rowan, until I feel his eyes hit my spine, making me stop in my track. I hear his heavy footsteps come up behind me. "Be back by noon." He orders. I look into his eyes, Yes sir.

I glide in the wind to the closet village, near that royal bastards kingdom. I ignore the people of the village and they ignore more as I bought the eggs.

I wonder why Tsuki wanted me to get eggs. Probably for her favourite type of cookies, pumpkin.

Finally I make it back home, after two hours of travel.

I shift back into my Fae form in front of Rowan, he's aura quickly showed that he is feeling, rather impatient at the moment.

"I have the eggs." I say as I show him the basket full of white and slightly cracked eggs. "Why are they cracked." He snaps at me. I sigh, "So I can grow egg plants." I responded. "Egg- What?" I tried not to laugh but a smile slips across my face. "Egg plants. You haven't heard? When you plant a slightly cracked egg into the ground, in the feilds. It grows into an eggplant."

I see a smirk grow onto Rowan's tan complexion. He sighs and we head back inside.

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