Star Wars OCs Oneshot

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The trembling Twi'lek stands before the man that she loves with all of her heart, her whole essence.

His beaten, raw aura of pain and grief consumes him whole. His once always steady breath now quivering in his new fate. The newly found darkness caresses his cheeks, with tears staining his cheeks and as did her's. Oh how she despised to see him like this. Just so broken and sorrowful.

The Twi'lek reaches out, her hand shaking from the anxiety circulating through her body. A breath of chilled air exits her lips. Mixed with the smooth, yet rough texture of his robes in her hand that grabs his arm, tugging gently as he surrenders and lowers his guard fully, for only very few people to witness.

Many times she has witnessed his vulnerability throughout the years. Many times she has felt the urge of wanting to wrap her arms around him and hold his fractured soul together. For once, she has fallen to this urge. Even if it breaks their foolhardy code. The Jedi Code.

Their eyes meet, his misty blue eyes glazed. "Sei anan." The words of her native tongue slips.

"What are you doing here?" He demands, his voice harsh. His eyes leads to her all too familiar face.

She flinches, "I'm here for you." She leans forward, hands resting on his shoulders. She extends her fingers to swipe his bangs to the side and traces the edge of his face, down to the jaw. The warmth of his hand covers her fingers.

A spark is ignited.

"You can't." His words covered in falsity, tremble in the air. The obvious truth that he has just spoken as they were raised in the Jedi ways. Yet their hearts yearn for something else, something unheard of within the Order.

At this point of time she didn't understand her emotions, "I don't care if my actions are now breaking the Code." Her shoulders stiffen. "Just allow me to hold you for once." She pleas with him. He pulls back, alarmed by her words.

In a moment of hesitation, he falls into her grasp, heart wrenching as he tries to suppress his hidden love for her.

She swaddles him in her arms, yanking his closer and closer to her heart, a desire to love him unconditionally. A desire to have him be her's, and her to be his.

He hides his face in the crook of her neck, breathing in her scent for one last time.

A choice he must make that goes against his wishes, "I must let you go." He mutters to her. He chooses their safety over all.

As she is one of his greatest weakness. A weakness that could be manipulated and used against him, a way to destroy him as a whole.

Her body becomes numb, her mind is spinning. Her thoughts racing and emotions seeping through, anger, pain, fear. Emotions that she was forced to tame, to suppress. Emotions a Jedi should never feel.

She follows her mind, "Never forget my love for you." She forces out, deep down she knew that her duty as a Jedi must always come first.

This all destroyed her. This tore her limb to limb.

As she only did this so he would be at ease, she would do anything for her beloved.

"I will and I love you too, I always will."

His words echoes in her conscience. His words leaving a symbol in her heart.

Their love never ceased to fade, but they covered the rubbish truth. The truth of their love.

Liberos will always wait for her.

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