Sasusaku Oneshot

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This one will be of SakuraxSauske as kids in the Ninja Acedemy! Yayyyy! Hopefully this would make sense!

-Stay Kawaii <3

"Sauske! Wait upon!" I shouted as I tried to catch-up to him. He looked kind of sad today.... I wonder why. I don't see why because he got to fight that moron Naruto!

I could hear the gravel crunching under my feet as I was running towards Sauske. Then he looks at me, he eyes looked so flawless with the sunlight. I quickly felt my face blush. "Sakura, what do you want?" He asks me. He knows my name?! "Uhhhhhhh. I wanted to tell you that I thought you were amazing out there." I stuttered. ".... Bye!" I shouted as I ran to find Ino.

I saw Ino arguing with Sikamaru and Choji. "I'm not that lazy!" Snaps Shikamaru. "Yea you are!" Shouts Ino as she was picking up her flowers. I go up and help my friend pick-up the fallen flowers. "See, Sakura is better then you." Sneers Ino. I stood there looking confused. Choji just stayed quiet. I really didn't know who he was, expect for his name. Finally Iruka~Sensei comes in and clears up the argument between Shikamaru and Ino.

After school, I saw my school's heartthrob, Sauske. I quickly saw Naruto sneaking up on him. "Sauske..." I muttered. Then Sauske turns around and puns Naruto up against the stone wall. "What do you think you're doing?" Sauske asks Naruto. "HEY! What do you mean, Mr.Popular." Shouts Naruto. "..... I'm in no mood for your petty, childish games." Sauske says a he starts to walk out of there. "CHILDISH?! What do you mean childish!" Argues Naruto. "Naruto stop it!" I scolded him, while catching his attention. "Uh. Sakura?" I say my name while blushing. "Naruto stop! Nobody likes a childish fool like." I hissed. I then ran after Sauske. Sauske was so perfect.... He was mature and handsome. Unlike Naruto....

I saw Sauske sitting underneath a huge oak tree. It was so beautiful out at this time of day. "Sauske!" I called out. He looks blankly up at me. "*Sigh* Sakura what do you want....?" He asks me, he was holding something in his hand. "....... I wanted to tell you how cool you looked out there and...." I stopped there, I was blushing and shaking too much. I felt my legs turn into noodles. On second I was standing up and the next, I was in Sauske's arms.

He looked too beautiful, I felt my face turn a brighter red. "Sakura don't fall onto me." He snaps at me as he helps me onto my feet again. "S-sorry...." I stuttered. Instead of saying anything Sauske just walks out of there looking very annoyed. I didn't really know what to do next.

As, I was walking to home from school I saw Ino talking with some other girls. As I walked past them they gave my rude glares. "Hey Billboard Brow!" Calls out a girl with short spiked, purple hair. I look at her, "Sakura! What do you think you were doing with Sauske!" Ino hisses at me as she stood in front of me. I had no real explanation, "Nothing." I said while trying to cover the fact that I liked Sauske.

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