OCxSleepy!Levi Oneshot

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She lays in the dark room, the heavy curtains block the stars and the milky light of the moon.

Elin twists and turns as she awaits for her beloved to return.

She longs for his warmth against her, her arms cradling his smaller stature against her chest.

Time slowly passes by as Elin finally sits up, and wonders across the room toward the finely made table.

Her subsided eyes scan the surface. All is in order, except for an unknown item.

Her fingers lace around the small, circular box; the lid pops off as she removes it.

Inside lay items that she thought were long gone from existence. The white and blue badges of the Regiment. Each is faded, and some are stained with sacred blood.

Elin's trembling hands lightly places the stack back into the box.

A pair of eyes drill into the back of her skull.

"Levi." She fumbles her words as she places the box down.

His grey eyes lead down to her hands. "I'm exhausted." Levi informs her.

Elin attempts to fill her lungs, "Yes." She chokes on her word.

She watches Levi stalk closer to her, he gently grips her upper arm. "Elin, lets go to bed now."

She holds her ground, "First, can we talk?" Concern echoes in her words.

"About what?" Levi inquires.

She gestures to the box, "This, but you don't have have to talk, if you don't want to."

His slender lips strain, "It's obvious of what it is." Levi snaps at her. "And no, I don't want to speak of this fucking box."

"Alright." Elin replies. She takes him by the hand and guides him back to their dreams.

Levi allows her to do this, and follows with hopes of a dreamless slumber.

Too many nightmares have clouded his mind, and all what he craves is some sleep.

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