MCU End Game: Bucky and OC Oneshot

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She had fled from the barren wasteland, just beyond the strange portal.

One moment she was screeching for someone to aid her. Then the next moment, she found herself greeted by Dr.Strange.

His long face has paled and was twisted into an expression of somberness.

"This is the End Game." Those words repeat as a timid rythme, a rumble in her mind.

She holds her breath as she freezes to the fuming ruble before her. In the sky, flashes of plasma cannons, and the shouts of inhuman tones fill the air.

The once prominent Avenger's building has been blown to dust by a massive cruiser above.

In the former building's wake, is a mass swarm of grey sentients, that watch with anticipation. Each hold some kind of foreign weapon, and blasters.

The foul claws of fear take hold of her thoughts, her breathing freezes as she scans her surroundings.

There she realises, that the toll for victory will be costly. Thousands of lives on both sides will be lost, but this is their time to take back their home.

Thanos has taken life from her, but she will never let this chance go.

This is her life, and hers alone.

"Anya, to your left." Chinara's voice calls for her attention.

The rest of Chinara's squad stands right before her.

Adaku, Machie, and Yoruba. All gather their items, and Yoruba hands her a small handgun.

"You'll need this." She informs Anya.

Anya nods, "Alright."

Hence the women headed only forward, and shot down any stragglers.

Adaku now instructs Anya with Wakandan medical protocols.

Her fingers hurry along a wounded man, and occasionally switches to other wounded patients.

As time hurried by, she almost forgot about someone.

Someone who stood by her side, no matter what. Someone who she is willing to lie down her life for.

James. A man who is forevermore intertwined with her fate.

Machie points her gun at a towering shadow. "Who are you?" Her stature is stiff, while her tone is honed by anger.

The man slowly released his weapon from his grasp and raises his hands in the air.

"Bucky. I was told that Anya Jones is here."

Anya glances back as she hears her name.

Her eyes squint to see James there, his face smeared with mud and soot.

He gestures to her, "There she is." He gives her a lopsided grin.

"James." She mutters his name.

Within seconds, her warm arms surround his heaving chest.

Bucky could only smile as he holds her close, his fingers gently glide along her nest of kinked hair.

"Ann." He mutters her name in response.

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