OC Short Story: Christmas Eve

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Here is a lovely Christmas Eve special with some OCs of mine. Enjoy! And Happy Holidays to all~ Take care and stay safe <3

-Stay Kawaii<3



His hand shift as he finishes wrapping his final gift. One for Ani, Nalla and Valis. And who can forget about Seth? He can. But he chose not to or Valis would hunt him down.

His eyes wander to the clock on his counter. 6:15. People should start showing up for the Christmas Eve dinner. He has cooking all day with the help of his little brother, Leo. Gods how he can be annoying and always purposely burning everything he touches. So Saros had to kick him out to the living room. To where he watches this anime about death, death, and more death.

Within minutes he hears a knock, "I'll get it!" Leo calls from the living room, his footsteps echoing to the front door. Saros sighs and walks to the fraud of a tree (Valis is allergic to pine trees). He places the remaining gifts snuggly under the tree.

"Hm? Is Saros home?" Asks an all too familiar voice. "Uh yeah. Bro is home." Leo responds to Nalla.

Saros turns his head to see Nalla wearing her new Star Wars sweater with one of the obnoxious Porgs on it. But she seems to have an obsession with the little monsters.

"Welcome Nalla." He greets her with open arms. She gives him a dry laugh and hands him a bottle filled with apple juice, "Thanks...."

Shortly she joins Leo to watch the anime.

Off in the distance, with the door still open, Saros spots Ani with Valis and Seth walking up. Each wearing festive attire.

"Good eve." Saros greets the trio. "Yes indeed." Seth responds as he steps in, removing his shoes. Valis does in suit and shares a smile with the host.

"Happy Hanukkah." Ani says in response, out of the ordinary.

"Happy Hanukkah." Saros says in response. He almost forgot that Ani celebrates another holiday, besides Christmas. It's nice that she brings up the holiday and celebrates. It is always refreshing to have diversity.

Ani stiffens. "I'm only here for the food." She reminds him.

"Well. All are welcomed." He closes the door behind her.

"NOOOO! SENPAI!" Nalla screeches in the background mixed with chattering. He walks in to see his friends sprawled out in his living room and some in the kitchen.

Valis is touching all the sweets and adding spices to the sauce that he has already spent hours on.

"What are you doing?" Saros asks her. She looks over at him, her eyes dull.

"You were forgetting some salt." She simply says. Valis places the container to where she found it.

He tries to control him temper. "Thanks Valis." He jumbles over his words. Composure. He reminds himself.

"SAROS!" He hears Ani call his name. He sighs and heads over to where she is her. Her and Nalla are cradling each other with tears swelling in their eyes.

"What happened?" He questions. They both look up at him while pointing at the paused screen. Corpses littered the ground and blood covering the grass and flowers.

"I don't care." Saros tells them as he presses play.

Leo takes his hand to his chest with an exaggerated facial expression. "H-How can you not care?" His tone made it sound like that he was questioning his brother's own sanity.

"I have dinner to prepare." He explains to him as he wanders back to the kitchen. Valis follows him and begins to help. "Uh. Thanks Valis for the help." He tells her.

"I'm only doing this because we are all hungry." She begins adding the meats to a plates and some vegetables to the side. She then finishes with with a dash of pepper. "There we go." She mutters to herself.

As for Saros, he grabs utensils to serve the other food and the green bean casserole, his personal favourite.

Within moments supper is ready to be served at the table. Seth and Ani help while Leo and Nalla ranted about the gruesome anime that they were watching.

The food lingers in the room. A mouthwatering experience.

Everyone takes their place at the table and begins serving themselves. Each eyeing the food that they want. Nalla sits next to him, her fingers tapping the table. She looks at Saros and Valis"Thank you for the food." She tells them both. He nods and everyone else says their thanks. Valis actually says a muffled thank you, or something like that.

The food was absolutely beautiful. Who knew that someone could cook this well? Well Saros and Valis can, an unbeatable team!

After the food they retreat to the living room, again. To chat and open gifts.

Seth sits under the lights with a broad smile, a heart melting one in Saros' opinion. As for Valis she chuckles at the gift she received, a grumpy kitty mask, such a perfect match. Nalla laughs at the gift that she gave to Valis. She turns to her, "Thanks Nalla." She tells her.

"How do you like the gathering?" Leo asks Ani. He takes a seat next to her, barely on the couch.

"It is actually quite nice. Being able to spend time with friends." She swipes her hair out of her sight. At least she is enjoying herself.

In the background Saros could hear the opening to the Nightmare Before Christmas. "WHoA!" Valis says she turns her attention. "I've always wanted to see this." She confesses as she sits back.

"Uh. Thanks Nalla." He sighs as he joins his friends. Seth shifts his weight as Whiskers, Leo's cat perches on his lap. The cat purring becomes louder with each stroke Seth gives that damn cat.

Nalla gives Saros a smirk as the movie actually starts.

They laughed and chatted, cherishing each moment that they got to share with each other.

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