Halloween Special: Voltron Special!

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So here a small fanfic of the characters! Keith and Lance did a duo of Lance as a 'evil' Jedi with a red lightsaber and Keith as a simple Storm Trooper. Matt and Pidge did a cute sibling costume: Matt as a palm tree and Pidge as a rainbow parrot. Hunk went as a reindeer (for Christmas and yes it went meant to be ironic). As for Allura and Coran, they went as themselves, considering that they don't know what Halloween is. Finally Shiro went as a black cat, because why not!

Note, this is a AU! And POV does change a lot throughout the short-story.

-Stay Kawaii<3



My crisp breath breaks the silence as we stand a the house I live in, fear lingers in my aura. Coran stands beside me with his fists clenching his bag, ready to take all of the candy that he can get his hands onto. We are about to go trick-or-treating. A smell of pumpkins and latte fills my nostrils, I turn my head to see Lance dressed as a simple Jedi from this franchise Star Wars with Keith dressed as a Storm Trooper. His temper flaring from his helm. I couldn't help but laugh a little.

"HEY LANCE!" I hear a voice call off in the distance. I turn my head to see Pidge racing down the street with Hunk trying to catch up with her and Matt walking ever so slowly, just taking his time. Pidge's costume reflects in the porch light of Coran's and I's home. It's small and simple, but nice at the end of the day.

"Hey Pidge, Hunk and Matt." Lance greets them as he hold his hand out to Hunk as he walks up the final stair. His antlers have slightly fallen off, Keith fixes them. "Thanks man." Hunk responds as he places his hand onto Keith's shoulder. He slightly flinches as he says some wispy words. I turn my head to see Coran interacting with Matt now, discussing new DIY's that they have discovered on the inter-web. "Allura. If you were a library book, I'd check you out." Lance says in a flirtatious tone, along with a wink in return. I hear some of them sigh. "Uh.... Thanks Lance." I mutter to myself, I feel a faint blush on my cheeks, out of sheer embarrassment. I scratch my cheek, "Is everything alright Princess?" Coran asks me. "Uhm. Yes Coran. Everything is alright." I explain to him. "So lets start planning." I declare as I open the door to the house.

Everyone heads in, all chatting among themselves. As I began to get a laptop and a map out I ask Coran to clear the table. He does with the help of Hunk. I hear the fridge open as Lance gets some drinks out.

"Why are you going through their fridge?!" My voice is more frigid then I wanted it to be. Lance gives me a smirk, "Because they told us that we were always welcomed to." His lame response. "Whatever..." I sigh as I grab a glass of apple juice.

A decorative ghost quivers in the corner, causing Pidge to shake in her boots and Matt laughing his ass off. The cool drinks helps to calm my nerves. "Lance. What are you doing?" I ask him as he is standing on a chair, trying to grab something in their top cupboard. "What do you think I'm doing?" He retorts, rolling his blue eyes. "I think what you're doing is stupid." I snap at him. "WELL! I think you're stupid." He yells as he closes the third cupboard that he has searched through. "You're even more dumb!" Then we begin to bicker.

Within seconds, Lance wobbles on the chair. He foot swings before him and arms flailing, trying to catch his balance. I take a small step forward and feel Lance's weight in my arms. Fear plastered his features. "You're alright Lance." I say to him. He opens his eyes, such beauty filled with so much hiraeth. "OKAY! Thanks man!" His voice creaks as he leaps onto his feet, eyes watching. I could see a faint blush on his tan cheeks. "Anytime." I say to myself as he jets off to the others. He has always been quick paced.

"Okay Coran. We need to find the best places to buy candy!" Allura instructs, her serious side. "Alright. The closest store that is open, is the Target." Coran says as I watch quietly, a small cup of apple juice in hand. Matt has been giving them out. Allura and Coran grab their jackets now, after about thirty minutes of planning. "We're heading out!" Allura tells everyone. This catches Matt's attention. "I'll be joining you." He says, in a lovey dovey way. I suppose that I shall join them, considering Matt will be going. I get up and follow them out the front door.

We cram into Matt's car, the rush of the engine excites Allura. "Here we go!" She cheers as my brother drives down the street. Faster Car  fills the car. Beside me, Coran keeps beat with the amazing song. This song is too catchy for its own sake.

Sadly, we stopped at all of the stoplights. Which caused Matt to slightly rage quit.

As we make it to the store, we spot Shiro outside. Dressed as a black cat, wearing a croptop. He has always been a fabulous man, at least for the time that I have known him. He opens the car-door and squishes me to the middle. But luckily he has a large bag filled with candy, I take a piece. "WHOA! Did not know that we needed that much candy." Matt remarks as he pulls away, now heading back to Allura and Coran's place.

The ride was miserable, being squeezed between to people. Yuck. I think I'll need to complain to Matt about that later.

Once again we get out of the car, leaving a few candy-wrappers in the backseat.

Wow, Allura looks so beautiful. But I'm too nervous to tell her. Anyway, there are more important things to be done. Like finding the right bowl to put the candy into. The kids in this neighborhood are going to be so happy! I help Coran find the bowl, with Shiro. "Matt. What are you suppose to be?" He asks me, with a slight hint of amusement in his mysterious eyes. "A palm tree. I'm pairing with Pidge." I reply as I pull out a large silver bowl from the very back of the cupboard.

Ah! The perfect bowl. Allura is going to happy about our finding! Well, I was the one who found it.

I look up at Shiro, "Why do you have that look on your face?" I ask him, his hands were scrunched into fists and placed below his chin. "I'm trying to imitate a cat." Was his simple answer. "......" Is all what I left that too.

"You know that looks kind of painful." I hear Hunk say as he watches Pidge working with wires, ironicly without and gloves. I pull the gloves off that I was wearing with my costume and place them in front of Pidge. "Thanks Matt." Is all what she said as she continues her task at hand.

Everyone laughs as Lance makes some obnoxious joke, while Keith speaks with Shiro. This is such a good time. I wish that it could pause in time.

Allura laughing and being radiant as ever. Coran, Hunk and Pidge working on the bowl and placing in the candy. Plus Keith watching Lance, I know that he enjoys his jokes. And Shiro and I stand back and watch, just enjoying the moment.

It's nice to finally see everyone together. Just having a good time. I was the one to great the first trick-or-treater. He was dressed a cute pirate with his father dressed a mummy, wrapped in layer of untidy toilet paper. The kid must have done his father's costume.

Coran watches from afar, making sure that everything goes smoothly. That's his role in Allura's 'idea'. It's kind of ridiculous. But whatever works for them...

Seconds later, music blasts in the background. Some dorky Halloween song. Hunk close to the stereo turns up the music even more and begins to dance with Matt. Both laughing and doing terrible dance moves. I see Pidge laughing with Keith. It looks like Keith is helping Pidge with some other projects that she has decided to start.

"Shiro! I need help with something!" I hear Coran yell from down the hallway. I turn on my heels and follow his voice to what looked like an office.

In the room there is a Coran covered in paper bats, strung upon his arms at full length. "Oh my God." I say under my breath. "Let me help you." I tell him. I take the string and unwrap if from Coran.

Within a few minutes, "Lets go out." I tell Coran. I made the string silled with paper bats, into a necklace for him.

A few glance over, "Nice look Coran!" Calls Pidge as she waves to him.

Suddenly the music rises, Lance jamming to the spoopy tunes.

Then we danced the night away.

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