Dramione Oneshot

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Here is a oneshot of a cute ship! And this what I think that would happen if Draco had a crush on Hermione in the main series. And as always, thank you for reading!

-Stay Kawaii<3



I stand at the entrance of the library. I must complete my foul homework for Herbology. We must complete an essay on Bubotubers, whatever those are. I really don't care for that class.

As I enter the stench of old, musky books fills my lungs. I cringe at the old smell, and notice some Ravenclaws combined with a Hufflepuff, who appear to be working together, they appear to be chatting while pointing at a brightly coloured book.

They watch closely. And one of them hiss and I just roll my eyes, ignoring their sneers.

As I continue my search for a table with no one. The bookshelves become more dense and filthier. Books gradually becoming older.

My eyes suddenly catch a mane of untamed brown hair, with a stack of about six, books. The person has papers covering the desk and floor. "Hey why not clean up, you pig." I hiss at the person.

The person stops and turns their head. Her eyes meet mine. "What do you want?" She snaps at me.

It was Hermione. One of Potter's friends. The filthy muggle-born one.

"Where are your two git of friends?" I ask her.

"Where are your two cronies?" She retorts.

"None of your concern." I snap at her. Her tired eyes stare into mine. "Why do you looks so exhausted?" I ask her, with a softer tone.

"Because I have been doing homework for Charms. Now I need to finish Potions now. Off you go." She shoos me off with a growl.

I snort and take my leave, to the only remaining table. The one across from her.

I pull out the chair. As it creates a horrific screech, Hermione stares at me, annoyance in her stately eyes.

My cheeks bloom into a light pink. "D-Do you know anything about Bubotubers?" I ask her, loud enough for only her to hear me.

"Why are you asking be. I'm just a lowly muggle-born." She responds with venom.

"Because I have no one to help me." I reply. Something shift in her eyes. My open vulnerability has seemed to effected her in some way.

"Fine. I'll only help you this one time. You prat." She finally says. She gets up and takes a seat next to me.

She tears the book from my hands and flips the book wide open. She begins to explain the biology to me and how the puss treats acne, just a disgusting topic. But Hermione made the experience more bearable.

I sit awkwardly as she finishes and now closes the book. "Does that make more sense?" She asks me, a gentler tone, instead of the lethal one she uses against my friends and I.

"Y-Yes." I stutter, with my usual confidence declining. I feel so stupid for getting help from someone like Hermione.

"Good. Now I must finish my homework." She then pauses. her cheeks flush. "Do you happen to know anything about what we are learning in Potions?" She asks in return.

"Yes I do." I reply cautiously.

"Can you help me?" Hermione questions. She begins to act nervous in a strangely cute way.

"Sure." So I help Hermione with the Potions homework. Her hand scribbles the supplies on the parchment as I watch.

"You need to add bitter root." I explain as I place my finger where the item is suppose to be written at.

"Alright." She write the word. "There we go." Her hand shoots up with satisfaction.

I look over to Hermione. "Thank you." I say.

She gives me a small smile, "And thank you." She leans in, I close my eyes, awaiting for a warm kiss.

Instead I feel the weight of the papers in my hands. "And here's your notes."

Within seconds I stumble up, knocking a few books off the table. "I-I need to be going." I stutter as I hurry out.

My heart pounds in my chest. Why am I feeling so flustered right now?

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