Klance Voltron Oneshot

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This is a oneshot from season 7 if Lance dies during the battle against the Glara. Have fun~




His fingers reach for the stars above, Earth. His family that doesn't that he still lives, that he brought sovereignty to other planets, that are so away from his small home.

He would never be able to tell his brothers, and sisters of the vast planets that he has witness from the eyes of his lion. The Altean foods that he has grown to love, and the warmth of family that he has been on endless journeys on with, sights of the breathtaking planets, constellations he has seen.

He wouldn't be able to tell his sister, Veronica of how proud he his, of her protecting their home from the Galra, how he wishes that he was there, helping protect their family. His niece and nephew wouldn't be able to hear his thrilling tales of the sentients that he was able to meet, bond with. He will never see his other siblings, and parents, and grandparents.

His swampy eyes begin to burn, as he eyes begin to leak the physical pain, and his heartache. There is so much that Lance must still do, the one thing he fears most.

Suddenly, adrenaline pumps through his veins, as his very body is still fighting to live, to survive this crash.

Scarlet blood has spilled over the wrecked controls in the cockpit, his helm has been crushed by a replier, so his means of communication is nonexistent. He won't be able to reach the other Paladins.

His mind floods with the thoughts of the once he fell for, the one person that he truly needed, Keith.

Unlike Allura, Keith gave him comfort, courage, and has aided him in staying with team Voltron.

He never will be able to tell Keith that he does remember their bonding moment, that he does make an ideal leader for Voltron, that he has feelings for him.

The two keep each other stable, to be able to withstand the responsibility, and trauma of being Paladins.

Lance wishes deep down to tell Keith the truth, that he desires to have Keith by his side no matter what, and he will always be there for Keith, no matter what.

His pain builds with the memories of Keith running away from his duty, from him. He felt betrayal, and grief of losing someone who means too much to himself.

His voice quivers as he says his final words in this cruel, yet beautiful universe. "Keith..."

Lance takes his final breath.

The gentle smile of Keith warms his soul.

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