SNK OC Oneshot: Helping Levi

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With her bandaged palms, and her fingers looping round the cool handles of a tray.

Elin knocks on the wooden door and hears the scrapping noise of a chair.

"Who's there?" The person calls.

A few curse words follow suit, with the clashing of some items.

"Elin, and I have supplies for your ankle." She replies.

A few seconds slowly tick by. Then without an automatic response, she opens the door to his office.

There in disarray, lethal grey eyes look up at her.

Elin slightly lifts her chin, "I was told that your ankle got messed up again."

She settles into a decent position and Elin begins to grab the needed items.

She glances up to see her patient fidget with the items on his desk.

Deciding to continue, "Considering I am one of the remaining with medical knowledge, and currently you need medical attention."

With the tray being set on the spotless desk. Elin begins the process of repairing his injury.

The boot is removed with wool socks, and within seconds her calloused hands are fluently wrapping the gauze around the swollen ankle.

The man struggles at the throbbing pain, and sighs when she is done.

When she ties it off she says, "Now all what you need to do now is elevate your foot for a couple hours each day."

An uncanny silence fills the void of the room.

Her finger tap in her knee, and her slender lips strain.

"I believe that is what Doctor Grisha Yeager wrote." She murmurs to herself.

"How long will I have to wear this shit?" The man drawls, his tone thick with impatience.

Elin lifts a dark brow. "About three to six weeks. Or if anything else is damaged, I'll add another two weeks."

"Is that a threat...?"His features darken.

"Sure, why the hell not Levi." Then Elin pauses, "But with time running short, you might need to need to do missions with a sprained ankle. Are you up for that?" She questions him.

"Yes, my squad." His words fade, and a hint of torment dances in the hollow depths of his gaze.

She lifts a comforting hand, "It is equally as hard each time." She answers. All knew that.

A hollowness echoes in her chest, something that is always by her side. This is her way of life.

Now Elin hauls herself up, "Finally with the request of Hanji, you need to get some extra sleep."

Levi rolls his eyes, "I'm not doing that shit. I have work to finish." He lifts a hand to a thin stack of papers.

"I can finish that stack and give it to Mike, and I'm not budging with this one. Erwin even agrees."

At this Levi lifts his glare to meet Elin's unflinching chestnut eyes.

"Only once will I allow this." He reaches for the crutches and hoists himself up.

He gestures to another door, "Open that." He demands.

Elin nods, her long legs carry her to the door and she slowly opens the door.

"Here, and I'll be taking the papers now." She snatches them and heads to the exit.

"Not yet." He hisses through his teeth.

"Feeling spiteful, I see." Elin sighs to herself.

"I want tea." Levi states. The man feels an overwhelming emotion of isolation. He needs someone here, anyone.

"Then will you rest?" She glances over her shoulder.

"Yes." There is a desolate undertone to this word.

Hence, Elin snatches the tray and heads to the kitchens. There she begins to boil the water and grabs a few tea packets.

Now a days, all the tea consists of mostly black tea, and sadly nothing sweeter.

As she is done placing all the needed tea cups and kettle. Her lips tug into a grim smile.

"Dave and Theni would have loved to have a cup." Elin murmurs to herself.

Only a month and a half, she shared time with her squad.

Yet with that bastard of a Female Titan's rampage, none of her squad returned to the Walls.

She knocks on the door as a hint of her presence there, and she allows herself in.

There she is greeted with Levi sitting to the left, on one of the few sitting arrangements.

"Black tea, and nothing else." She gently balances it on the arm of the chair.

She finds herself pausing, "Would you like to have company?" She offers Levi.

He gives a slight nod, and begins to make his tea.

Elin slips onto the remaining sofa and allows herself to just breathe.

For sometime, both sit in a pleasant silence.

Shadows flicker around the room, each reflect a dismay.

In that time, Elin finds herself finishing that damn paperwork.

When she is scribbling on an old book. She discovers that a handful of the pens no longer work.

With each one, she plops each of the pens to the floor.

Slowly the pile grows.

Until, "Fucking stop that." He scowls. He finds himself only looking at the hindrance.

She looks up at him, "Why?" She inquires.

"It's annoying as all hell, brat." He replies.

She couldn't help but smirk at Levi's annoyance.

"I'll keep that in mind." She finally stands. "Now go get some sleep. Or I'll have Hanji talk to you till you pass out."

Levi raises his brows, "No." He answers sourly.

She extends a hand to him. Which he strangely accepts, and helps him up.

"Please get some rest." Elin states for the last time.

At this Levi begins to clean up the small mess, "Will do." He says calmly.

She takes the tray and opens the door to the empty halls. "These following weeks will surely be entertaining." Elin comments.

Then she goes on her way to whatever hell this world has to throw at humanity.

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