OCxKakashi Oneshot

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I'm obsessed with SENPAI~! This is a KakashixMika, an OC of mine for Naruto! I love all my smol beans.

-Stay Kawaii<3

It was evening in the Leaf Village. "Hello....?" Call out a low, husky voice. "Welcome back!" I responded as I was busy cooking supper in the kitchen. I hear footsteps walking into the living room. "Where are you?" Kakashi asks out loud. I hear a loud thud as his bag drops on to the wooden floors. "Come find me." I hissed as I stumbled around the kitchen looking for a knife to chop the vegetables for the stew.

"There you are." Sighs Kakashi as he wraps his arms around my neck and he lightly places his head on top of mine. "Hold on I'm making supper Kakashi." I said to him as I tried to pull myself away from him. But his grip became firm. "All I want is a kiss." He complained with a smirk under his mask. I place down everything and close my eyes.

I feel Kakashi pull down my scarf from over my mouth. Seconds later I felt his warm lips upon mine. I felt my face blush. It was just a soft and gentle kiss. I feel his arms wrap around my waist as he picks me up from my feet. I decided to let him do this, just for this once. And he walks out of the kitchen into an unknown room.

I open my eyes and only to see darkness. I suddenly realised that I was in room, wrapped up in blankets on my bed. I slowly sit up and open the blinds to the window. As I did moonlight beamed through the glass. Next to me I saw Kakashi. He looked so peaceful as he slept. But I guess I fell asleep in his arms. "Kakashi!" I whispered his name as I woke him up. "What......?" He asks me, still half asleep. "D-Did I fall asleep?" I asked him nervously. "Yeah you did." He says with a slightly annoyed tone. He then sits up and wraps his arms around me. As he does I lean up against his chest. I could feel his heart beating, it was calming to have someone this close. I look up at him, the moon's beams almost made his hair almost a perfect white. I reach out and slide his hair out of his face. He winces as my hand glides through his hair. I stop suddenly, realising what I was doing. "Sorry." I quickly said as I looked away with my face blushing. "For what?" Kakashi asks me. "Nothing.... I love you." I confessed to Kakashi. "I know...... I love you so much too, Mika." He says in response. I close my eyes and leaned back into him. "What happened to the stew......?" I mumbled as I started to drift off to sleep. "I put the leftovers away." He says in response as I feel his lay backwards. Kakashi allows me to lay on top of him.

"You know..... Sometimes I wish that they were here."
"........So do I."
"Kakashi, do you really regret almost everything in your life?"
"No. I don't regret falling in love with you."
"Thank you... Honestly I wonder how Sauske is."
"I do too."
"You know I have trained under Tsande and Jiryia~Sensei and I have meant Orchimaru."
"You have....?"
"Tell me."
"I want to know more about you."
"Understandable.... If you must know I'm originally from the Hidden Mist Village. Until I was three, maybe four......" Discomfort was in the air and I felt tears rising up now.
"You don't have to talk about it."
"Sorry, it's still a dark topic for me."
"I understand...."
"Thank you." I move a little bit closer to him.
"You know. After I found....... My........ father........ I didn't know what to do. It hurt."
"Yeah. It does..... That's one thing in common. Knowing what it's like to loose your own parents."
"Anyway, I need some sleep." Said Kakashi as he turned to his side and fell asleep.

I stand up and grab my pillow, not wanting to wake him up. In the living room I saw Pakun sleeping in a small ball. A gentle smile came across my pale face.

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