Circe Oneshot

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Recently, I am rereading Circe by Madeline Miller, amd I do greatly enjoy the novel. Hence, I've decided to write a oneshot with Circe, and WARNING: there are spoilers.

-Stay Kawaii<3

His dark eyes show the steadiness of his father, Odysseus.

Telegonus storms past the small crabs, and salty waters.

Suddenly a screech escaps his usually babbling mouth, "I want pears!" One of his favourite treats.

Beside her, her hand mindlessly search through her newly woven basket.

"Here, son. These fresh fruits should do," Her tone has the tenderness of a thousand lambs.

"No! I want honey!" The small Telegonus wails.

Circe sighs, "There will be honeyed pears with supper,"

For once, her beautiful son's eyes widen. "Really?" He questions.

This is a rarity, there was no rage, only simple curiosity

Circe's bright eyes soften, and she stands onto the heated sand.

The goddess swiftly scoops her son up and swings his weightless body upon one of her many blankets.

The distant memory of Daedalus lifting his own child, warms her timeless heart.

"Eat this now, and you will feel better," She kneels next to Telegonus.

Her slender hand tucks wild curls behind his ear, "You are my treasure," She murmurs to herself.

Telegonus happily munches on the pear and giggles at the newly found fish in the closest tidepool.

The reddish-brown fish flops in the shallow water.

"We should help him," Circe states.

Her son blinks with wonder, the world is so new to him.

She takes his unscathed hand and guides him to the tidepool.

She gestures to fish, "See? Pick him up," She instructs.

She gently slips the fish through the cracks of tidepool.

"Oooo~," Her son whispers as he watches.

"One day, you will become a better man," Circe states to her son.

Helios' chariot moves overhead, and the sun is covered by passing clouds.

Her fingers run through her sand, of Aiaia.

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