Star Wars Oneshot AU: if Survived O 66

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Her aching legs slow, as she trek through the unkind sands of Tatooine.

For miles Nima has seen nothing, but large dunes, and bones of deceased habitants.

Her eyes tighten as the wind picks up, her thin fingers readjust her goggles, and tattered scarf.

Ahead there appears to be the shadow of a small, abandoned hut.

A size that is not too small, nor too enormous.

To the sky, she points her head.

The two blazing suns begin to fade to a soothing orange, and red.

Nima chooses to go to the abandoned hut, and hide from the dangers of the night. Instead of her other option, resting under the shimmering, vast night sky.

Inside, she sets down her small bag and robes.

Then she tosses her lightsaber. It barely echoes as the hilt lands upon the molten brown mount of cloth.

Her eyes examines the room to see all objects in disarray.

Delicate trinkets are shattered on the only shelf, and a small table and chair are crammed in a corner.

As a breath exits her lips. She sets herself down on the dusty floors, and kneels to meditate.

Deep, satisfying gulps of air causes her nerves to cool, and her mind to become at ease.

She focuses on her goal, her reason why she decided to come to this shithole of a planet.

She enters her safe place, the force.

There she tugs on an everlasting connection, and calls to the person she is seeking.

Someone who she is desperate to find, and to make amends with.

The guilt she felt for leaving the Order eats her whole with each passing moment, every waking breathe.

She must find Obi~Wan, and see if he is well. That's all what she desires.

Nothing more, nothing less.

Moments have shifted to hours, and she still senses nothing. Only an emptiness where their friendship use to exist.

Her eyes flutter open to reveal moonlight seeping through the window, and her mind slows.

She stands, and begins to prepare a bland meal.

Her hands reach for the bag of dried nuts, and some kind of vegetable that she was sold.

She smiles as she is finally able to eat in silence, and drink some of her precious water.

As she was done with eating her meal, she quickly cleans up, and sets out to make herself a semi-comfortable bed to sleep on.

Tonight she will have no need to keep her weapon close. As she is not in the open, and she is no longer vulrable to the Tuscan Raiders.

That is a calming thought for Nima.

She grabs her cloak, and uses her bag as a pillow.

Luckily, she found a spare blanket. Something that she never expected to find.

So she wraps herself up, and closes her eyes.

The darkness of slumber embraces her conscience, and she drifts off to her nonexistent dreams.

She stays there for a few days.

Each day she forges, and hunts for food.

Nima came across a small moisture farm, and the Lars household.

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