HanjixPetra Oneshot

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So this one will be HanjixPetra from SNK!!!
-Stay Kawaii <3

It was getting late now. I was waiting for Hanji outside the horses stable and she still hasn't shown up! Until I heard someone running in my direction. "PETRA!!!! *Heavy breathing* Sorry for- for taking so long." Huffed Hanji. "No-no it's alright!" I stuttered. "HAHAHA! Petra you're always so polite!" Laughed Hanji as she wraps her arm around me. She then pulls me backwards as we leaned up against the stables. "What are you doing?" I asked Hanji. "What do you mean?" She responds quickly. "Never mind," I sighed. "Mmmmm..." Hanji mumbled as she places her head onto my shoulder. I then look-up at her. Hanji then runs her hand across my head and she kisses on the forehead, I couldn't help to blush in the moonlight.

"Say Hanji... When will be the upcoming Expedition?" I asked her. "In a couple of days..." Hanji told me, she then takes me by the hand. We started to walk back to HQ now. It was beautiful that night. The luminous stars up in the sky and my love, Hanji smiling. But I knew deep down inside that everything would never be the same.....

A couple of days have passed.

For some weird reason Hanji was more clingy to me, not leaving me alone... She was starting to make me worried because usually she would be talking with Eren in her free-time. But she spent all of her free-time with. So we had lunch together one day.

So it was Hanji, Mike, Erwin, Levi and I. It was very kind of Hanji to invite me but it was quite strange. I really didn't know many of them, well besides Levi and Hanji. Considering Hanji and I had a romantic relationship and that I was in Levi's Squad. To be honest it was nice having lunch with them! And it was a lovely day.

Sadly Hanji made me blush a lot more, which makes me irritable.
"Hanji stop." I hissed. "What? It's funny when you blush!" Laughed Hanji. "Tch...." Was Levi's response. "What?" Asked Hanji as she looked over at Heichou. "Nothing shitty-glasses." Hissed Levi. "Petra go check on that bratty Titanshifter!" Heichou told me. I stood-up, "Yes sir." I said quickly and then I walked out of there to go check on Eren.

I saw Eren talking with two of his friends. I told that their names were Armin and Mikasa, they seemed friendly enough! "Hello!" I said with a smile on my face. "Uhhh hi..." Said Armin. "Am I interrupting anything?" I asked them. Mikasa and Eren were whispering to each other. "No. I don't think so." Armin told me. "I'll be on my way then." I said quickly. "Alright....." Armin said quietly.

Later that evening... I don't know what's wrong with me... Every single time I look in the mirror I see and ugly human with battle scars over her hideous face. I try to stay strong... But I can't, it's to hard for me.

People keep on saying that there is no Prince Charming that will save you, but funny enough my Prince Charming is a Princess. I love Hanji so much, she showed me to smile and what it's like to have fun again. I don't know where I would be at without her... But of course my squad has helped me so much through my struggles. They make me so happy.

Petra then closes her journal. "Hello Petra my little person!!!" Hanji happily says as she came walking into the room. "Hi!" I said as I stood-up. "What-cha got there?" Asked Hanji, looking curious. "It's nothing." I said quickly as I walked passed her. "Let me see." Laughed Hanji as she snatched my journal from my grasp. "Mmmmm lets see. So DAY ONE!!!! I think I may have a crush on her, Hanji. I always liked how she was able to have fun. BUT be serious when she needs to be." Started Hanji as she read from my journal. I just stared at her, blushing with cold sweat dripping down my face. "Awe come on Petraaaa I was just joking," Hanji said to me as she grabbed me by the hand and kissed me.

"Fine..." I said while trying to stay calm. Hanji then picks me up and carries me down to her office. The lighting was dim in the hallways, I felt tired, like I never wanted to wake-up again. "Hanji..... Please put me down." I whispered. Her hair was still up in a sloppy ponytail and her glasses on.

I reached up and traced my fingers across her brown, scratched frames for her glasses. She looks down at me, "What are you doing?" She asks me. I just smiled up at her.

As we reached her office she kicks open her door and plops me onto the ground. "Hanji what's wrong?" I asked her as I wrapped my arms around her. "Nothing Petra." She said quickly. "Well then... May I do your hair?!" I said excitedly. "Really?" Hanji hisses. I nodded yes. Hanji then sits down on her sofa that was covered with books and papers. "Alright so where is a brush." I mumbled as I looked around. "It's on my desk!" Said Hanji. "Thanks Hanji." As I grabbed the brush on her desk I then sat down behind her and started to brush out her hair.

"Petra what are you going to be doing with my hair?" Hanji asks me. "You'll see," I mumbled. I was French Braiding her hair and it was dirty of course, but I don't mind!

As I was tying off Hanji's hair she reached up and yanks me in front of her. "What'cha doing beautiful?" She asks me with a sly smile on her face.

Petra looked exhausted, "N-nothing." She stutters. "You now Petra I love you so much... You are beauty and kindness." Hanji told me gently as she pulled me closer to her. I then wrapped my arms around her and we drifted away into the night....

After the Expedition......
I was holding her badge in my hands.... The woman that truly loved is now dead. I MUST know who or what the Titans are. They took someone from me who I loved so much. Why must they take Petra, my sweet little lover away from me?!

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