Azreil and Elain Oneshot

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The young Fae couldn't help but smile as she sows her latest seeds.

Her dear younger sister, Feyre smiled as she handed the small basket to her, and Elain engulfed her in a tight hug.

Today Elain wished only for silence, and so she requested Azriel to join her on the rooftop garden.

Here, Rhys has granted her permission to plant her heart out and only asked her to make it suitable for Illyrian wings.

She feels the weight of Azriel's stare. She glances up and meets his hazel eyes.

"Come here and help me." She gestures for him to come over in the cool grass.

He lifts himself from under the lush, beaming tree and stretches his wings. The sunlight dances through the membrane of his wings, causing the darkness to become red and grey "What would you like done?" His tone is soft.

He comes over as shadows twirls around his ear, than fades in the fresh mountain breeze

Elain holds a few iris seeds, "To put the seeds in." She gestures to the small hole for the seeds to reside in.

She could have sworn an echo of glee flashed in his eyes.

His scarred hands cup together, and she slides each one into the massive palms of his hands.

Elain slides over and watches as Azriel drops each one into the ground.

Each rolls down deep into the dirt, and then covered with the rich soil.

"This will grow nicely." Azriel comments.

"Yes they will, and there are many more to plant this afternoon." Elain states.

At this Azriel says, "Can I join you for the rest of the day?"

Her shimmering brown eyes crinkle as her lips tug upward. "Yes. I would love that."

Hence the rest of the day was theirs in Velaris, the City of Starlight.

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