~ Truth or Dare {Threesome Smut}

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Knock knock knock

     "Hey, (Y/N) and Sean!" Mark said enthusiastically. Sean and I said hi and made our way into his house.
Mark invited me and Sean to come over to his house and hang out. Ryan and Matt were out of town visiting family, so we had the whole house to ourselves.

  "What do you guys wanna do?" Mark said. "I'm down for anything." Sean said. "Me too." I added. "Okay, well I have beer? You guys want some?" Mark asked. "Yeah!" Sean and I said together. We excitedly ran to the kitchen and Mark followed. He passed me and Sean the beer as he watched us, since he couldn't drink. "Oh boy.." Mark mumbled under his breath.

~ time skip cause i'm lazy ~

Four beers later and Sean and I were cracking jokes to each other. "Are you two done yet?" Mark asked, giggling at how drunk we were.
"Nope." I said, smiling like an idiot.
"What kind of tree did the-hic-scientist plant?" Sean asked. "A chemis-tree!" He said, laughing hysterically.
"Ohhh, come on!" I said.
"Okay, enough jokes. Let's do something fun!" Sean said, jumping out of his seat. "Let Mark choose what we do." I slurred out. "Mark?"
"Let's play truth or dare, since you two are clearly drunk." He said laughing as me and Sean stumbled over each other.
We all sat on the floor in the living room, Sean to my left and Mark to my right.

   "Who's going first?" Mark asked.
"Meeee!" I shout. "I dare both of you to... take your shirts off!" I said. They both looked at me, but went with it anyway and removed their shirts. "Woah," I said under my breath, staring at their toned bodies. "Me next. Mark, do you have handcuffs or a rope?" Sean said. "Yeah, I have handcuffs. Why?" Mark asked. "I dare you to handcuff (Y/N)." Sean smirked. Mark gave me a look and got up to get the handcuffs, then came back and sat down. I held my wrists out and he closed them, locking me in. "Okay, my turn. I dare you to give (Y/N) a hickey." Mark said, pointing at Sean. "You want to?" He asked me. I nodded my head and pulled my hair back as he moved closer to me.

    His lips latched onto my neck, biting and sucking the skin. I bit my lip and leaned my head back. "Oh, Sean.." I accidentally moan. My eyes widen at the realization and I can feel Sean grinning against my neck. He doesn't stop, which causes my body to jolt. "Fuck it." Mark muttered as he came towards me and crashed our lips together. It was enrapturing, what they were doing to me. The way Mark's lips felt on mine, and the way Sean's lips felt on my neck. Mark pulled away, unlocked the handcuffs and said, "Let's take this to the couch." Mark and Sean got up and offered me their hands. I took both as the lifted me off the ground and led me to the couch.

I laid down and Sean got top of me. He pulled my shirt off and started kissing down my body. Mark leaned down and kissed me again. When Sean reached my jeans, he unbuttoned and pulled them down and with my panties. He pulled his jeans down, spread my legs wider, and pushed into me. "Fuck, Sean!" I moaned and tilted my head back. "Yeah, Sean, make her scream!" Mark said, pulling his basketball shorts and boxers down. I reached for Mark's member and started jacking him off. "Mark, closer." I moaned. He stepped forward and I took his member into my mouth.

  Sean started pushing deeper into me, making me buck my hips up towards him. I took Mark out of my mouth to gasp for air. "Sean, faster... Please." I begged. He picked up the pace, our grunts and moans echoing in the air. "(Y/N), I..I'm close." Mark moaned out as I bobbed my head up and down on him. He tangled his hand in my hair and kept me at his pace. He pushed himself down my throat and came. Mark let me go so I could breathe. He leaned down to kiss me and said, "You're so good at that." After Mark moved away for a second, Sean kissed me, grabbed my hips and pounded himself into me. "Don't stop.." I groaned as he started biting my neck again. I was so close, I couldn't take it anymore. "Sean!" I yelled as I came. He thrusted a few more times before pulling out and cumming on my stomach.

Mark, Sean and I sat on the couch trying to catch our breath. "Wow.." I said. "Yeah." Mark agreed. "That was amazing." Sean spoke. "Well, I'm gonna go take a shower." I said, picking up my clothes. "Can we join you?" Sean asked. "Of course." I smirked. Mark and Sean both got up, trailing behind me. I sat on the bathroom counter while Sean turned on the shower. Mark stood between my legs, biting my ear lobe. "Now it's my turn." He said before shutting the door.

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