~ Seven Minutes In Heaven

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(Y/B/F) - your best friend


"Come on, it'll be fun!" (Y/B/F) exclaimed as she pulled me to the car to go with her to a party. I already told you didn't want to go, but she wouldn't take no for an answer. As I rode in the car, I stared out the window until we pulled to a stop. I got out and walked behind her into the house. People were dancing with red solo cups in hand, and music booming from the speakers. "Let's go party!" (Y/B/F) cheered before she ran off and left you. "Great." I muttered, pushing through the crowd of people. I made my way to the stairs and waled up them. When I reached the top, I found people sitting in a circle in one of the rooms.

"Hey, (Y/N). Come here." Leah, another friend of mine, yelled from the circle. I complied, walked into the room, and sat down in the circle beside her. "We're playing Spin the Bottle, but with a twist. We spin it twice, and the two it lands on has to play Seven Minutes in Heaven. You wanna play?" She explained. "I guess." I said, and the game began.

~ time skip ~

After the second group came back, it was Leah's turn to spin the bottle. She spun it, let it slow down, and eventually, it landed on me. I rolled my eyes and spun the bottle myself. When it stopped, it landed on a guy with bright blue eyes and neon green hair. I smiled as I saw him and said, "Guess we're it." I walked to the closet door, opened it, and waited for him. Once he was behind me, I stepped in and he followed, shutting the door. "If you don't want to do this, I understand." He said shyly. "What's your name?" I asked. "Sean. What's yours?" "(Y/N)." I answered.

"That's a lovely name." He mumbled, his cheeks dusted a light pink. "Thank you." I smiled. "So, do you wanna try?" I said, referring to the game. "Sure." He said, stepping towards me. He lightly put his hands on the small of my back as I wrapped my hands around his neck. I could see the shape of his pink lips through the dark as he leaned in closer.  Once our foreheads touched, I closed my eyes and pushed him closer, connecting our lips. I pressed my body into his as he deepened the kiss, making the rest of the world freeze. All I could feel was his lips on mine and the heat radiating off of his body.

I felt him pull away so I released my grip. I saw his lips were a little swollen and his eyes were brighter. "Was it okay?" He asked, biting his bottom lip. "Again, please?" I asked, and he complied as he closed the open space between us. He grabbed my hips and bit my bottom lip, which made me moan into the kiss. I tangled my hands in his hair, enjoying every moment. Suddenly, we both heard the door open and someone say, "Woah, looks like you two are getting along."

We both pulled away and smiled at each other as we stepped out of the closet. The party was dying  down and people were leaving so Sean and I stepped outside. "Hey, I'd love to see you again sometime. Here's my number. Maybe we can get some coffee tomorrow?" He asked as I smiled. "I'd love to." I answered and told him goodbye. He said goodbye and we started walking separate ways. I started blushing as I thought of the kiss and him. "Maybe going to that party wasn't a bad idea after all."

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