~ After School {Smut}

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  I walked through the hallway after school waiting for my math tutor which I desperately needed. "(Y/N)." I heard a man call as I turned around. "Are you Sean?" I asked, walking towards him. "I am. Come on and let's get started." He smiled.

~time skip magic ~

   In the last thirty minutes, we had discussed advanced algebra and chemistry, which were confusing as all hell. But I listened, and apparently I understood it. Now we working on perimeter, area, circumference, and all that shit. For some reason, I just didn't understand it, no matter how hard I tried. "Do you get it now?" Sean asked. "Sorry, but no. Why is this so damn confusing?" I asked, slightly irritated. "Here. Try working a problem on the board and let me see what you don't understand." He offered, handing me a marker. I took it, went to the board, and wrote an equation.

It was a little hot in the room so I unbuttoned a couple buttons on my top and went back to work. "I'm having trouble finding the answer." I blurted out and turned to Sean. He walked up beside me, examined the problem, and turned to me. "What do you have in mind?" I asked not noticing he was staring at my exposed chest. Sean's eyes darted to meet mine as he said, "I think I may know a way to explain this to you." He took his jacket off as he stepped towards me. "What does pi times the variable equal?" He asked and I shrugged. "Cir-cum-ference." He smirked as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

Sean leaned in close and blew his hot breath onto my neck. "Sean.." I moaned. "You wanted me to teach you the lesson, right? Then I'm in charge." He growled as he nibbled on my neck. I threw my head back as he laid me down on the teacher's desk. We started taking off each other's clothes until we were just in our underwear; thank goodness the door didn't have a window. "Do you still need help with angles?" He asked, his eyes clouded with lust. I nodded as his fingers pulled my panties down my legs, and he followed by pulling down his boxers. I took a moment to stare at his defined chest as he caught me off guard by grazing his fingers between my lower lips.

"You're really wet for me, aren't you? Dirty girl.." He smirked. Sean pulled my right leg onto his shoulder and asked me, "What angle is this?" "90 degrees." I answered. "Good girl." He smiled as he pushed into me. I moaned out in surprise as he filled me completely. "Fuck, you're so big.." I whimpered. He smirked as he thrusted into me hard and stopped all together. "Let me tell ya, by the end of this, you'll be begging for me." Sean announced, his voice raspy. He went back to thrusting, putting more force behind each one.

Sean was determined to find the sweet spot on my neck, and he succeeded. When he bit down, I gasped and my fingers instantly tugged on his hair. "(Y/N), you feel so fucking good." Sean moaned into my ears which sent chills down my spine. "Sean, if you keep going I-I.." I whimpered and he went into overdrive. He dug his fingers into my hips and pulled me closer, making him go deeper with each thrust. "I'm gonna.." I moaned and Sean slammed his lips into mine as I came, muffling my cries of pleasure. After I finished, Sean pulled away, pulled out, and came into my stomach with a groan. "Fuck." Sean panted.

Sean cleaned me off, and handed me my clothes as we got dressed. "Are you okay, (Y/N)?" Sean asked softly. "Yeah, I'm okay. That was a really good lesson." I complemented. "So I guess I'll see you next week?" He smiled. "Wouldn't miss it." I said as I grabbed my bag and walked out the door.


okay so I came up with this joke and every time someone brings up anything dealing with math, me and one of my friends think of this. this is a legitimate inside joke between me and xmishiboox so you have been warned 😂😂

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