~ Having Some Fun {Septiplier Smut}

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Mark and Sean were currently walking back to their hotel room after a long day at PAX. They shared a hotel room because all of the hotel rooms were booked up. "Are you hungry?" Sean asked Mark as he opened the door. "No, but I know something I do want." Mark said pulling Sean into the room and slamming the door. "You." He growled before slamming his lips into Sean's, forcefully kissing the Irishman. They unbuttoned each other's jeans before Mark carried Sean over to the bed, ripped their shirts off, and laid on top of him.

Mark grinded himself against Sean while biting his collarbone. "M~Mark.." He moaned at the friction between his legs. Mark abruptly stopped and yanked Sean jeans and boxers off before removing his own. "You really want me, don't you?" Sean asked, before letting out a breathy chuckle. "Baby boy, it looks like you want it too. Even more than I do." He said he pushed his fingers into Sean's mouth. "Suck." He ordered. Sean obeyed and coated Mark's fingers with his saliva, moaning as Mark pumped Sean's hard member. He stopped and pushed his fingers into Sean's hole as he gasped. "Oh, fuck." Sean whispered as he squirmed under Mark.

Mark continued stretching Sean until he was ready and pulled his fingers out. "Are you ready?" Mark asked, and Sean nodded. He lined up with Sean's entrance and pushed into him with a groan. Sean tangled his fingers in Mark hair and told him it was okay to move. In a matter of minutes, both of them were moaning out for each other. "Harder, deeper! Mark, please.." Sean whined as he dug his fingernails into Mark's shoulders, holding on for dear life. Mark gripped Sean's hips and started pounding into him; the sound of skin on skin echoing through the room.

"Does my dirty boy like me fucking him senseless?" He asked, hitting Sean's prostate. "Yes, fuck. I'm close~" He moaned out. "Tell me how it feels, then you can cum." He ordered as his thrusting got faster. "Mark, it feels so fucking good. Having your cock inside me, pounding into me. Fuck, Mark!" He yelled as he came on his and Mark's stomach. He pushed Mark to his climax as he came inside of Sean. After he pulled out and laid beside Sean and pulled him into his chest. "Mark?" Sean asked hazily. "Yeah?" Mark answered. "I think the whole hotel heard us.." He said with a giggle. "Good. They'll know that you're mine." Mark said, smiling.

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