~ Depressed

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- trigger warning

Sean left for another convention with his Youtube friends, but I don't mind. It's his job and his fans are really good people. He'd been gone for about a week. 'Two more days.' I thought. I told Sean about my depression awhile ago, but I didn't like to speak about it often. After he left, my depression intensified. Day after day, I felt more alone, more unwanted; every hour passing by slowly. I tried to occupy myself by doing things around the house, but none of it worked.

By 11 pm, I decided to go to bed because I was utterly exhausted. I laid down and buried my head into my pillow, muffling my crying. My whimpering was loud enough that I didn't hear the door open and see Sean walk through it. "Babe, I'm home." He said as he saw me. I bolted up and attempted to cover my puffy eyes. I walked to the door only to have Sean block my path. "(Y/N), let me see your eyes." He said gently as he grabbed my wrists and pulled them away, revealing my red eyes and tear-stained lashes.

"Sean.." I whimpered as he hugged me. My knees buckled as I fell to the floor, Sean holding me as he fell too. "Lass, it's okay. I'm so sorry. Have you been taking your medicine?" I nodded my head as he picked me up and carried me to the bed. "If you want to, we can talk tomorrow. Just get some sleep, babe." I intertwined our fingers and asked, "Can you stay with me?" Sean smiled and nodded. Once he laid down, I buried my head in his chest and listened to his heartbeat as I started drifting to sleep. "You're so breathtakingly beautiful, Lass. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me. I love so much, (Y/N)." I heard Sean whisper. I smiled at his words, but before I could respond, sleep overtook me.

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