~ Car Crash (Part 1)

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(btw: i know Sean doesn't own a car, but it's for the sake of the imagine. enjoy!)
(Y/N)'s p.o.v.

   "Babe, I'm gonna run to the shop." I yelled upstairs to Sean, who was getting ready to record a video. "Okay, see ya in a bit. Love you!" He answered. "Love you too." I said as I shut the door. I hopped in the car, put on my seatbelt, started it, and drove away. I was almost there when, out of the corner of my eye, a car came speeding towards me from the left. It crashed into me and flung my head to the drivers' seat window. Before I could stop it, my head pounded into the window and I blacked out.

Sean's p.o.v.

    After (Y/N) left, I filmed and edited my videos for the day. I got anxious waiting for her to come back. "It's been two hours since she left. Where is she?" I thought. I sat on the couch and calmed myself down. Suddenly, my phone began to ring. I ran and answered it. "Hello?" I spoke.
"Hi, are you Sean McLoughlin?" The woman asked.
"Yes, why?" I questioned.
"(Y/N)'s been in an extremely bad car wreck. We'd like you to come to the hospital immediately."
Tears pricked the corners of my eyes as she spoke. "Of course." I answered and hung up. I felt like I'd been stabbed in the chest, my world crashing down around me. I called a friend of mine, since (Y/N) took the car. Once they arrived, I jumped in the car and made my way to the hospital.

I jumped out of the car and bolted into the hospital. I ran to the front desk, asked for (Y/N)'s room information and went to find her. I walked up and down the halls, searching for her room number. I finally found it and walked into her room. I saw doctors plugging IV's in her arms, giving her oxygen and checking her heart and lungs. My eyes went wide with shock, the air knocked out of my chest. Before I could protest, a nurse pulled me out of the room. She calmed me down and explained (Y/N)'s situation. I sat down, my head in my hands, and waited for permission to go and see (Y/N). "Please, let her be okay." I sobbed.

~ 30 minutes later ~

"Sean McLoughlin?" The doctor asked. I jumped out of my seat and ran towards him. "Yes?" I answered. "(Y/N) has a low heart rate and her breathing is slow. She broke her left wrist and has three broken ribs. We're gonna keep an eye on her, but she's in a coma-like state. Give her some time." All the color drained from my face as the doctor spoke. "I will. Can I see her?" I asked worriedly. "Yes, go ahead." He spoke. "Thank you." I said as I entered the room.

i hope you like guys like this! part 2 will be out soon, so yeah. ~E

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