~ Moving In

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  "Is that the last one?" Sean asked carrying the last box through the door. Sean asked about a month ago if I would like to live with him and I happily said yes. Sean wouldn't let me unpack everything by myself so we both tore open boxes and started unpacking. It quickly got boring as we went through the first couple of boxes, sorting out everything we could find. I pulled out my phone, plugged in into the speakers, and started to play some music.

I went back to what I was doing, swaying my hips to the beat. Sean looked up at me and smiled. Once the music picked up, we naturally sped up unpacking, occasionally dancing to the music. I was cleaning out one of the last boxes when I felt Sean grab my hand and pull me away from what I was doing. "Lass, we can finish that later. I've got a better idea." He said cheerfully. Curiously, I asked what he was thinking. "Rock out, babe. Come on, it'll be fun!" He shouted.

Sean grabbed my hand, pulled me to the center of the floor, and started dancing. I joined him and soon enough, we were two goofballs trying to be a better dancer than the other. "I love this song!" Sean said as Love Bites by Halestorm came on. "Let's do this!" I yelled as I pretended to play an electric guitar.

[play the song now. btw the songs are just suggestions :)  ]

"1,2. 1,2,3,4!' Sean yelled as he held up his hands and hit his 'drumsticks' to the beat. I started playing the air guitar as Sean played his imaginary drums. I faced Sean as I started to sing the words from memory. He smiled at me as he followed the beat and sung along with me. We danced around and swung our heads back and forth like we were maniacs. After the song ended, Sean smiled at me and said, "We know how to rock out." I walked up to him, ruffled his messy hair, and said, "Yeah, we do. And you're my little drummer boy." He giggled and kissed my forehead. "This is why I love you, Lass."

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