~ Scars

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[ trigger warning - self harm. if you're sensitive to this stuff, please click away. I AM NOT TRYING TO GLORIFY SELF HARM. i just wanted to write this for other people and to express myself ]

I was watching tv when I heard Sean walk into the living room around midnight. "Lass, why are you still up?" He questioned as he sat down beside me. "I've just a lot on my mind." I muttered, avoiding his gaze. (Y/N), talk to me. What's wrong?" He asked, tilting my chin up to stare into his big blue eyes. "I'm really depressed again." I sighed. "Are you thinking about this?" Sean asked, grazing the scars on my wrists and forearms.

I nodded sadly and turned away from him. Sean's hands grabbed my wrist, brought it to his lips, and softly kissed the scars up and down my arms. "What are you doing?" I asked as the ghost of a smile crossed my lips. "Showing you." He answered, his hot breath dancing across my arm. i shot him a confusing look and he smiled against my skin. "You are amazing, Lass. You're strong, beautiful, funny, smart.." He trailed off in between the kisses. "You make me so happy. I don't know what I'd do without you. And these scars, they represent your battle. A battle you're still fighting, and that's okay. Everyone has theirs struggles, and this is yours. It doesn't make you weak or indifferent; it makes you strong. You're not alone, and I'm gonna be here every step of the way." Sean said, each word making my heart swell with happiness.

I smiled as he looked up at me, and tapped me on the nose. "You know just what to say." I said quietly. "Lass, please don't hurt yourself. I care about you, and I love you." He spoke gently as he pushed the hair out of my face. "I love you too." I said as I pecked him on the lips. "I'm tired. Can we go to bed?" I asked Sean sleepily. "Of course." He answered as we walked hand in hand and crawled into bed.

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