~ Joker ~

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this idea is not mine! I got it from @zombiechick130. go over and check her out bc she is an amazing person.

"Dr. Quinzel, it's time for your session." I smiled as I grabbed my notepad and headed to my 8th session with the Joker. His real name was Sean McLoughlin, but he preferred to be called Jack, Joker, or Mr. J. As I approached the cell door, a smile crept it's way onto my face and excitement rush through me.

"Hello, Mr. J." I smiled as I sat down across from him. "Darling. How's my Harley?" He asked, flashing his insane smile. "Good. You?" He leaned back into his chair and went slack. "Just peachy." I pushed my hair out of my face and continued the session. Halfway through, the lights of the asylum went off and sirens started blaring. I turned frantically as men broke through the cell door and grabbed me. "What do you want?" I screamed in fear. "Harley, calm down, sweetheart. They work for me." He said calmly. My eyes bulged at Jack before his henchmen pulled me away and strapped me to a table.

  "Joker, why are you doing this?" I asked, terror flashing in my eyes. "You'll know soon enough." He muttered, picking up shock therapy tools and powering them to life. "Please don't kill me.." I whimpered as he laughed. "I'm not gonna kill ya. I'm just gonna hurt ya, really, really bad." He clarified as he pressed the tools into my temples. Suddenly, a multitude of searingly painful shocks went through my body at lightning speed. I screamed out in pain as my back arched off the table and my heart and lungs went into overdrive. "You'll be mine soon enough." Jack said before my body gave out and I blacked out.

based off of Suicide Squad

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