~ Baby Boss

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I sat in the bathroom, tapping my fingers against the sink as I waited for the pregnancy test results anxiously. Time's up. I picked up the test and looked.


'What? That can't be right.' I thought. I rubbed my eyes and looked again. Positive. "Oh my God..." I whispered. What's Sean going to think? Will he want it? When am I going to tell him?

"(Y/N), are you okay?" Sean asked as he knocked on the bathroom door. "I'm fine." I quickly hid the test and opened the door. "You good?" He questioned. "I'm good." I answered assuringly. I squeezed his hand and walked into the kitchen to cook dinner.

~time skip~

I tapped my fingers worryingly against the table as we ate our food. Sean set his fork down and looked at me. "Lass, what's wrong?" He asked. "Nothing, why?"  I said. "Your nervous habit. You've been tapping your fingers ever since we sat down. He said as he grabbed my hand. "What's wrong, (Y/N)?" He asked again. "Stay here and close your eyes. I'll be right back." I spoke and left before Sean could protest.

I bolted up the stairs, grabbed the pregnancy test, and ran back to the kitchen. "Eyes closed?" I asked. "Yep." He answered. "Hold out your hands." I said, and he complied. I placed the test in his hands and said, "Now open your eyes." His eyes shot open and examined the test. "You're pregnant?" He asked. "I'm pregnant." I said shakily. He set the test down on the table and picked me up, hugging me and spinning me around. "You're not mad?" I asked. "Why would I be mad? I going to be a dad!" He said kneeling down, his face level with my stomach. "Hey there, little girl. I'm your dad. I can't wait to see you. I hope you have your mom's beautiful smile and stunning hair." He cooed as he kissed my belly button. "I hope she has your deep blue eyes. They're breathtaking." I said as he stood up. "So I'm guessing we want a girl?" He asked. "I don't care if we have a boy or a girl. I'm just glad we have our own little baby boss." I said smiling.

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