~ Taste {Smut}

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   "Babe, I'm home!" Sean yelled from the kitchen. I ran and checked what Sean had gotten. "Did you get-" He interrupted me by holding up a pint of my favorite ice cream. My eyes went wide with excitement as he smiled. "Help me put up the groceries, then we can eat it." Sean said as he pecked my lips and I happily obliged.

   As I put the last few things away, I grabbed the ice cream and skipped towards Sean. "Now?" I asked. "Yeah, but we're not eating out of bowls." I gave Sean a confused look as he pressed my waist against the counter.
He pushed his lips against mine while pulling at the hem of my shirt. I put my hands on his waist, moving him closer to me. I pulled Sean's shirt over his head and stared at his chest. He pulled my shirt off and popped the button on my jeans, pushing them down. Lifting me up onto the counter and laying me down, Sean opened the ice cream and grabbed a spoon. He scooped out a couple bites and put it on my stomach. "It's cold!" I whimpered. "Let me take care of that, Lass." He smirked as he licked the ice cream off of me.

"This ice cream tastes good, but I think you taste better." Sean said as he pulled off my panties. I blushed as he spread my legs wider and lowered his head towards my core. I felt his tongue slide between my lower lips and my hands instantly tangled in his hair. "Sean!" I gasped. He swirled his tongue in circles on my clit, making me writhe under him. He grabbed my thighs and pulled me closer. "Does my baby girl feel good?" He said as he lifted his head, his lips dripping with my juices. "Yes, Sean. Please. More..." I moaned. "As you wish." He said before his tongue dove into me. He continued going a little faster until I couldn't take it anymore. "Fuck, Sean!" I yelled as I arched my back and came into his mouth. He lifted his head away, licking his lips clean.

We made eye contact as he stepped between my legs, undoing his pants. Once he pulled his boxers down, he teased me with the tip of his member. "You ready?" He asked. I nodded and he pushed himself into me. "(Y/N), your so fucking tight." He groaned as he moved. "Please, babe, go faster." I moaned. Sean lifted my hips and started thrusting faster into me. My hands went to his back, scratching up and down as he kissed my neck, leaving hickeys. "Damn, baby, you're so sexy." Sean moaned into my ear, which turned me on even more. "I'm close." I groaned as he dug his fingernails into my hips, thrusting deeper. He slammed into me a few more times before I came, screaming his name. "Fuck, (Y/N)!" Sean yelled as he came onto my stomach. We looked at each other, breathless and dazed. "I think it's time for a shower." I said getting up and walking towards the door. "Are you coming?" I turned and asked Sean. He looked at me as he smiled and followed after me until we got to the bathroom.

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