~ Red Roses

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Y/D/N = Your daughter's name

Sean's p.o.v

As I got out of the car, I grabbed (y/d/n)'s and walked with her on a small trail until we came across a graveyard. "Go sit under the big oak tree. Daddy will only be a few minutes." I said as (y/d/n) skipped off to the tree.

*play song now :)*

"Hey, Lass. Yesterday, (y/d/n) asked about you and I sat there and told her everything. I hope you don't mind. I told her about your sparkling eyes, your beautiful hair, your amazing and kind personality, your stunning smile, and how much I love you. She had the biggest smile on her face when I told her she was just like her mother. She asked if I had a picture of us and I showed her your favorite picture. You know, the one of us playfully wrestling in the grass." I said smiling. "Yeah, she loved your smile. She said, 'I wanna be just like mommy'. She loves you." I said sincerely.

"Daddy?" I heard (y/d/n) call out. "Yes,pumpkin?" I asked as she walked up beside me. "Look what I found." She cheered as she lifted up a red rose. "Where did you get this from?" I asked. "From the bush, over there." She pointed. "This is your mom's favorite flower. Sometimes she would stare at the color of the petals and get lost in her thoughts. I'd snap her out of it and she'd just giggle. It was adorable." I spoke, tears filling my eyes as I laid the flower on her grave. "I miss you, Lass. I love you." I whispered. The tears spilled down my cheeks as (y/d/n) grabbed my hand.

"Daddy, when will I see mommy?" She asked, her eyes full of question. "I don't know, sweetie. I want to see your mommy too, but we can't right now." I said, choking on my words. "Why?" She asked. "She's.. out for a bit. It'll be okay. You'll see her one day." I said, kissing her forehead. "Promise?" She asked hopefully.


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